Chapter 6

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After Bugs finally managed to brush off his regrets and sorrow, he took a long hot shower and dried up with a towel.

He looked at the edge of his bed where his clothes that Cadet and Daffy gave him lay.

"Red he thought. "how does he know that it's my favorite color?"

The clothes were similar to their clothes.

A jumpsuit with gloves and boots along with a belt to go over the suit.

Bugs puts on the jumpsuit with the belt and decides to put on the boots as well.

But, he refuses to put on red gloves, partially because he was wearing his old fashioned gloves.

It was his true identity and he just couldn't part without them.

Speaking of which, he had almost forgotten that he was still holding on to the gloves that were from the time capsule and stuffs them inside an empty drawer that was in his guest dresser.

After a few minutes has passed and he was able to breathe out his nervousness, a knock came at the door.

"Sir, it's about time to go. Are you ready?" Cadet said at the other side of the door.

"Yes, I'm coming out now." Bugs said as he opens the door.

"Ah good. The suit fits. We didn't know what size you were so I hope a small is alright." Cadet said.

"It's fine. It fits perfect." Bugs said bluntly.

"Great! let's go....oh where's your gloves sir?" Cadet asked curiously .

"I'm sorry I just can't wear them. I'm actually more comfortable with these gloves. It's who I am." Bugs said softly.

"I understand sir. Captain is the same way with his chocker." Cadet said.

Bugs nods in agreement.

He knew that no matter how mad Daffy gets, he could never be without his white laced chocker.

It was given to him by a very special person in his life who made him the happiest duck that he could be and without it, he'd be lost as well.

"Cadet, you know you don't have to call me that. We're friends now. You can just call me Bugs." Bugs said smiling.

" I...I know. It just feels more comfortable that way. Now c...come on, or we're going to late and I'm starving." Cadet said as they hurried over to the cafeteria hall.

When they finally made it there, they opened a door and stepped inside the area.

It was crowded and full of all walks of life.

That included other animals like them, people and even alien like creatures all sitting together in tables.

The place was like a giant fancy restaurant with red velvet like wallpaper everywhere and classical music playing throughout the area.

The music was like a mix of Moonlight Sonata and Clair de Lune which fit the theme very well.

The serenity of the music made Bugs feel calm and relaxed.

There were sections of buffet tables in the middle of the restaurant for guests to come and get their food with waiters coming over to the tables every now and then to serve them drinks.

Bugs looks over and sees Daffy sitting by himself at the last table in the back of the room.

He wanted to go over and talk to him right away, but hesitates.

Love Without Limitations: a Baffy (BugsXDaffy) FanficWhere stories live. Discover now