
7:03 A.M

-Zen's house-

"Oh my fucking god! I'm not going to fucking give you my damn school uniform pants. What the fuck is wrong with you?!" Zen ruffled his wet hair and opened the closet door, the force looked like it would break it any second.

"Okay, so am I supposed to go to school pantless?" Cicero called from the bathroom whilst brushing his teeth. This all started when the greenet told Zen that he forgot to bring a clothing change for school.

"Fucking hell. I don't know," Zen slipped on a random shirt and pair of paints before putting on his socks then shoes. 

Cicero finished brushing his teeth by the time Zen left the room and went out the bathroom. He rubbed his eye and sighed before seeing a pair of school pants layed out on the red head's bed causing him to chuckle. No matter how tight-fisted he appears or acts, he doesn't mean it most of the time.

After Cicero got dressed and ready, he went outside the room to see Zen treating the microwave like it was a potato sack and not an electrical appliance and Omi sitting on the couch, still invested in his book.

"Do you ever like, not get bored?" Cicero asked, not really caring if Omi answered or not. He wasn't actually curious and didn't know if Omi ignored him or simply didn't hear him, but it didn't matter.

"Guys we've gotta get going before it's late," Micheal rushed into the living room before throwing everyone's backpack at each of them while they caught it.

"That's the point," Cicero jumped to stand on the counter and look into the cupboard for candy.

"What the fuck, seaweed! Get down, are you that short?!" Zen shouted before grabbing his breakfast and slamming the microwave shut.

"No, but I can see better like this," Cicero took a lollipop and jumped back down.



"The donut shop looks abandoned," Cicero pointed out, munching on the lollipop. He finished it quickly on the way since he didn't want to get told to throw it away like last time at school.

"Yeah. I wonder if it's a day off for them," Micheal said.

They were now headed to school. The cold was really starting to kick in and if you weren't covered with warm fur from head to toe in the early morning and late night, you'd turn into an ice cube. Zen was regretting putting on a short sleeve shirt only, as goosebumps starting covering his whole body and not only the revealed skin making him wonder if he was even wearing anything.

It seemed like a normal morning, just walking to school like he used to with his friends. How many days has he been absent again? He couldn't remember, but it felt like an eternity.

"Zen, bro, you're shaking," Cicero said with a chuckle, his hands in his coat's pocket.

"I'm not," Zen discarded his statement and continued walking, not tuning in with their conversations.

7:45 A.M.

Fiveteen more minutes until class starts exactly, if the teacher isn't a bit late.

QUARTET ALLIANCE: LEND A HAND (Wild Duty & Judgement)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें