"You heard the lady Spencer, she wants you to kiss her", said the unsub with an evil smile.

"Y?N I'm so sorry, I-I cant", Reid says sternly.

You couldn't believe it. He wouldn't kiss you even to save your goddamn life.

"Why not?", you shouted at him while starting to tremble, sobs coming out of your mouth right after.

You were absolutely terrified and your survival instincts kicked in. You obviously did not want Spencer to kiss you at this moment, but if that is what it took for the unsub to keep you alive, you wanted him to do it.

Spencer didn't answer your question, he just looked down at you with a sad expression. To top it all off, Valentine had a new idea pop into his little malevolent brain.

"Okay, okay", he said while lowering the gun. "How about we play a little game?"

Valentine started to unload his gun, you were confused as to what was happening at first but you quickly realized what the game was.

"I'm going to count to three, and each time you don't lay a kiss on this lovely lady's lips I will shoot this gun", he said with a smile and continuing. "Each time you refuse, the more chances she gets of dying of a gunshot to her head, got it"

"One" he begins his countdown and you start to loose your mind.

"Spencer, please!" ,you shouted at the top of your lungs. You felt like you were already dead as Reid just kept quiet, as if you weren't about to be killed in front of him.

"Two" Valentine says while taking the safety off the gun and tears starting to run down your face.

"Spence please, please I-I don't wanna die like this" you scream in agony, still getting nothing from him.

"Three" said the unsub as the gun went off.

Luckily, you hadn't gotten the bullet yet.

You let out a deep breath trying to calm down, "Spencer, just fucking kiss me please, I'm begging" you say in between sobs. You felt so humiliated begging for this man to kiss you and him just not budging. Not even to save your fucking life.

In this moment, all of your fear and sadness was slowly turning into anger. Anger towards Spencer , the unsub, the team ,and towards everyone and anyone who led you to be in this basement tonight. The unsub just sat back and enjoyed the show.

"Y/N, I cant" Reid finally screamed back.

"Why not" you say enraged at his short answer.

"Because I-I just"

"Just what?" you ask annoyed "Answer me goddamn it!"

"I cant kiss you, I just cant!" Spencer says returning your tone of anger.

"Spencer, just do it!"



"NO, no not like this"

You pause, confused at his answer. "What?", you ask almost whispering.

You were waiting for Spencer's answer when you heard a loud noise coming from the upstairs. "Fuck", said the unsub as he began to get behind you and point the gun at your head once more.

Someone knocked down the door and sprinted down the stairs and shouting, "FBI, Robbie Valentine put your hands up, now". You recognized Morgan's voice and felt immediate relief. The team actually came, and they were gonna save you.

Valentine didn't get the memo though and started to shout, "Stay back or I shoot the girl!".

Morgan began to speak again as he put his gun away, "Now now Robbie, we both know you don't wanna do that".

"And why not" said the unsub in a cocky tone.

"Because we both know the woman you truly want to kill is your ex-fiancé"

As soon as Morgan said that the unsub put his guard down and in one swift motion, Morgan already put a bullet to his arm.

Emily made her way into the room trying to set you and Spencer free. She finally found the key and started to uncuff you from the ceiling, your arms immediately dropping to your sides. She went on and helped Spencer out, walking us both out of the basement into an ambulance.

Luckily, neither of you were gravely hurt, but you were a bit traumatized. All the things the unsub did and all the things Spencer said kept replaying in your brain. You zoned out while sitting in the back of the ambulance when you felt someone tap your shoulder. You turned around to find Spencer, the feeling of anger quickly coming back to you as you walked away from him.

You felt awful as soon as you did it, but you couldn't help but be angry at all the things he said. Even if he didn't mean them they still hurt ,and you couldn't forgive him for making you beg to him at the moment you needed him most.

You made your way into the backseat of one of the black SUVs and just broke down. You couldn't believe that just happened to you. You pulled yourself together as you saw Rossi approaching the vehicle and wiped your tears away.

" I'm really sorry that we didn't get there in time to prevent what happened, Y/N." said Rossi sounding guilty. "I hope you can forgive us."

"It wasn't your fault" you said as you gave him a small smile.

He started to drive you to the hotel you were all staying at and gave you your room key. You made your way into your room and took a hot long shower to get the smell of serial killer off of you. Changing into your pajamas which consisted of pink silk shorts and a black tank top, you tried to relax and go to bed. Obviously not succeeding.

You were finally drifting off to sleep, feeling the exhaustion hit you like a train. As soon as you felt comfortable enough to close you eyes, you heard a knock on your door.

In Plain Sight (Spencer Reid x Reader)✔️Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя