neighbors grantxgeage

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This is for JackyMndza she/he (don't know gender sorry TwT) will be doing second part of dis story enjoy~❤️🖤

Gaege pov

A new guy moved in next door so I walked over to his house to greet him to be nice I knock on his door and a tall male answers the door. I looked at him and he had a few tattoos his was wearing some jeans and a white shirt he looks at me and says "may I help you?" I blush lightly and I say "hello my name is gaege! I see that your new here and I wanted to welcome you to the neighborhood" he smiles a little and says "well it's nice to meet you gaege my name is grant" I smile a little and I shake his hand

"Would you like to come in?" I shake my head yes and he invites me in.
I look around and he already has everything in place "nice place you have grant" he chuckles and says "thanks gaege"  I sat on his couch and I watched him walk into his room once he came out of his room he had his shirt off I blush lightly and look at his chest. He has three more tattoos on his chest and I blush more fuck why does he gotta look like that?! I thought to myself  "what would you like to do gaege?" I look at him and say "um let's watch a movie" he smiles and puts on a random movie

Few hours later

I look at my phone and it says 7:10 holy shit I've been here for awhile I thought to myself I look over at grant and he is asleep I smile a little and I wake him up he groans and that makes me blush a light pink. He looks at me and says "yes gaege?" Since he was sleeping his voice sounded a little deeper because he just woke up "I'ma head home grant it's getting late" he smiles softly and says "let me walk you home so you make it there safe"

He gets up and we walk to the door. "Are you gonna get a shirt on?" He chuckled and says "nah it's fine I'm to lazy" I blush and we both walk outside its pretty dark outside so I get a little scared stupid horror game's I thought to myself.

We get to my porch and I turn around "thanks for walking me home grant I appreciate it" he smiles and says "no problem gaege I had fun hanging out with you we should do it again soon" I smile and he kisses my head softly before saying "have a good night gaege I'll see you tomorrow" he hands me a piece of paper with his number on it.

I smile lightly and grant walks away I go inside of my house and I quickly add grants contact to my phone so I won't forget about it I go to my room and I get changed. I heard a buzz from my phone so I go answer it

Grant~night gaege hope you sleep well ❤️

I blush and I look at the heart for a few minutes before replying

Gaege~night grant I hope you sleep well too ❤️

I set my phone down and I get changed into a hoodie and some shorts I then lay on my bed for a few minutes before falling asleep....

Grant pov

I lay in my bed thinking about gaege he's really cute I'm glad I met him I thought to myself I scroll through my phone for a few minutes before falling asleep....

Hello thx for reading! Once again JackyMndza will be doing pt.2 of this! So if you haven't followed her or read her stories then I suggest you do! Her stories are amazing :) I hope you enjoyed this love chu my followers ❤️🖤❤️🖤❤️❤️🖤❤️🖤

GrantxGeage Eddiexgaege One Shot BookWhere stories live. Discover now