fuck boi pt 2

700 16 7

I rush upstairs and look around for Eddie until I hear something from the room in front of me. I walk into the room and I see Eddie and a random girl making out with him. I start crying and I see Eddie look at me "F-fuck geage it's not what it looks like!!" I run of the room and run outside to my car. "Calm down geage" I drive home and my phone blows up I ignore it and continued driving home when I get home I go to my bed and cry myself to sleep.....I trusted him

Le time skip ~start song now~

I get up and take my happy pills and all of a sudden my sadness goes away and I'm happy.

I take my pills and I'm happy all the time happy all time

I didn't want to drive to school so I walked instead I was so happy and I was glad I was.

Le time skip to school

I walk into the school and everyone stares at me I look at them and smile brightly just then josh comes up to me and says "geage are you ok?!" I smile and say "well of course I am why wouldn't I be?" He looks at me confused

I love my boy but he ain't worth the price

"Shit geage are you on those pills again?!" I smile and say "of course I am" he starts crying "FUCK GEAGE DON'T DO THIS AGAIN PLEASE"

Eddie comes up to me and josh sees him "LOOK WHAT YOU FUCKING DID YOU ASSHOLE!!!!" Eddie looks at me and gets concerned "geage what's wrong?" I smile and say "I take my pills and I'm happy all the time" 

Josh then Punch's Eddie and he gets a bloody nose "YOU BROKE HIM AND NOW IM GOING TO BREAK YOU!!!"
josh keeps punching Eddie.

Mully walks into the school and sees josh "Fuck josh stop" josh growls and Punch's mully josh turns around and realized that he punched mully "fuck....mully I'm so sorry" josh runs off crying and that causes mully to run after him.

Eddie is laying on the ground covered in blood "get up Eddie" I smile he looks at my hand and grabs it "let's get you to the nurses office" he groans in pain but follows me

TBC thx for reading this one shot love chu all Uwu

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