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I had expected consequences when I chose to sneak out with Suna the previous night, but being in the administrative office the first day school was back in session is definitely not what I had in mind. The office is suffocatingly silent as I stare back at my homeroom teacher. She glares back at me, arms crossed across her chest. 

"I'm sorry for falling asleep in your class." I meekly apologize, twiddling my thumbs underneath the table. 

Following up with an exasperated sigh, she waves me out of the office, saying something about not letting it happen again. Leaning against the wall in the empty hallway is Atsumu, a shit eating grin on his face. 

"What?" I give him a weird look, not exactly sure what he's so smug about. "And shouldn't you be in class right now?"

He slightly cocks his head to the side, pushing himself off the wall with his shoulder. "Math sub passed out at the desk, so I excused myself. Plus lunch is in like fifteen minutes, so there's no need for me to be in class." 

Typical Atsumu move. I shouldn't even be surprised at this point. 

"Well, what's with the stupid smile on your face?" 

Looking down at me, shoving his hands into his pockets, he shrugs. "Osamu and I are such great older brothers," 

"Haha funny joke." You scoff, rolling your eyes. 

Atsumu clicks his tongue in annoyance. "Let me finish, stupid. We're such great brothers, covering for you when you sneak out and do lovey dovey shit with your boyfriend so Mom and Dad don't catch your ass. But here you go, falling asleep in class, just to have the teacher catch you can call home. It's wasting our good and hard work." He dramatically sighs and slouches. 

Returning his smug smirk, you playfully pat his arm. "Lucky for me, Ms. Bitch didn't call Mom. So i'm still in the clear." 

Atsumu lets out a small tsk as you two stroll aimlessly through the hallways, trying to pass time before the other students are let out of their classes. Your aimless stroll results in you two ending up on the roof of the school. 

Leaning against the railing and peering down across the spread of the campus, you inhale the warm summer air, it's scent that can only be described as sunshine. There's a silence that falls between you and your older brother as you both take in the summertime weather. 

"How's volleyball?" Despite how the sport has intertwined with the entire family's life, you rarely get to hear about how it goes for them. You expect a simple answer from Atsumu as you run your finger along the slightly rusting railing. 

"How's swim?" Atsumu teases back, slightly nudging your right shoulder. 

You had mostly gotten over the mental part of my injury, joking about it here and there with Aiko and Izumi sometimes. Still, you furrow my brow and punch him in his side. "Hey, I was trying to be nice." 

Atsumu softly laughs, nodding to acknowledge my act of kindness. "It's...a lot." 

That was not the answer you were expecting. "Hmm? What do you mean?" 

Tilting his head slightly to the side and biting his lower lip, he thinks of his answer. "I really like our team this year...i'd like to live up to the expectation of being Japan's best high school setter and the expectation to bring Inarizaki to win Nationals. I just feel...a lot of responsibility being their setter and everything." 

"I did not expect such a philosophical answer from a stupid himbo like you." 


"Kidding, kidding," You laugh, totally understanding your brother's difficult position. 

𝑼𝒏𝒅𝒆𝒓 𝒕𝒉𝒆 𝑪𝒉𝒆𝒓𝒓𝒚 𝑩𝒍𝒐𝒔𝒔𝒐𝒎𝒔 - 𝒓. 𝒔𝒖𝒏𝒂Where stories live. Discover now