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"Is your shoulder okay?" Aiko pokes your right shoulder. "Your fly time isn't dropping and nationals is soon." 

Her finger sends a sharp pain down your arm. "Yeah, I must've pulled a muscle or something today. And stop talking about nationals, we haven't even done regionals yet."

Aiko scoffs, rolling her eyes. "You have a higher chance of passing math than not making it to nationals.


"You should still get it checked out, though...y'know...just in case." Izumi reasons, eyeing your shoulder. 

"Jeez, didn't realize you were the caring kind." You stick your tongue out at her.  

Stepping into the gym, you are promptly whisked away by Atsumu. He drags you into the storage closet, shutting the door behind him. 

"Why'd you have to grab my arm so hard? I would've followed you regardless!" You scowl at Atsumu, rubbing your forearm. 

"Suna's sick, Kita wouldn't let him play, he's sitting against the wall next to the second court." Atsumu blurbs out at you, staring expectantly. 

"I don't follow," 

"Make a move," 

"Like what?" 

"Pftt, I don't know? Kiss him?" 

"One, he's sick so ew, no. Second, why would I just kiss him if he's never even, oh...flirted with me?" 

"One, it's just the sniffles, you'll be fine. Second, he's just as big of a pussy as you are so if you don't do anything now, you'll never get him." 

The two of you glare at each other in silence, neither of you daring to break eye contact. 

"What do I get if I make a move?" 

"Bitch what the fuck?" Atsumu cries in disbelief. "You want me to give you something? Shouldn't a boyfriend be good enough of a reward?" 

"I want pudding." 

"I'm not getting you pudding. You get yourself a boyfriend." 

"I want pudding." 

"[Name]. No." 

"I want pudding." 

"...fine, i'll get you pudding if you make a move." 

The conversation get abruptly interrupted when the door squeaks open. You and Atsumu snap your heads in that direction, trying to see who opened it. 

"Oh, hi Akagi." Atsumu waves.

Akagi stands in the door frame, blank faced. "What the fuck is going on here? Did I interrupt something?"

"Oh, no! You saved my ass! Atsumu was just being a shit older brother, like usual." You exclaim walking over. "Verbally harassing me about eating his pudding, or something like that." Standing besides Akagi, you can see Suna slumped against the wall, a towel tossed over his head and covering his face. Looking up to the bleachers, you can already see Izumi pointing furiously at him. 

"Wait? What? No! I'm a great older brother!" Atsumu tries to reason with Akagi, who simply shakes his head disappointingly. 

With practice wrapping up, you quickly cut across the gym to Suna. Kneeling besides him, you lift the towel up slightly and peer at him, faces close together. He's wearing a mask, eyes closed, his cheeks slightly flushed a pink hue. "You alright?"

His eyes flutter open and he mumbles a quiet 'yeah'. He intently watched your movements, eyes following  your hand as it slips underneath the towel. You press your palm against his warm forehead. 

𝑼𝒏𝒅𝒆𝒓 𝒕𝒉𝒆 𝑪𝒉𝒆𝒓𝒓𝒚 𝑩𝒍𝒐𝒔𝒔𝒐𝒎𝒔 - 𝒓. 𝒔𝒖𝒏𝒂Where stories live. Discover now