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"So let me get this straight," 


"You lied your way out of a punishment to free up your summer, just to tell me you don't even like summer that much?" 

"I am truly offended, Rin." You point your melting popsicle at him, eyebrows raised. "You think I would lie to my own mother? How rude." 

Suna stares at you with a blank expression. "But...that's what you did. You told your mom that if you didn't fight back you were going to die." 

Returning his deadpan glare, you lick up the melting ice cream that's about to run down your finger. "I was going to die." 

"She was barely putting up a fight." Suna lies back into the grass, arms tucked behind his head. "It seemed like you were going to kill her." 

"You know, if you wanted to spend your summer break watching me run errands for my mom and doing all of Tsumu's and Samu's chores, you could've just said so." You mock, getting up to throw away the popsicle stick. 

"I don't know," Suna's eyes follow you, watching you plop down in the soft grass besides him, tucking your legs beneath you. "I would think you would appreciate spending all that time in the air conditioning. You seemed pretty fired up earlier, talking about how much you despise summer." He teases back, nudging you slightly with his knee. 

You scoff, rolling your eyes. "How can people like summer? That's the question!" 

"Here we go again," 

"It's so fucking hot, all the damn time; the air is always sticky and humid, which makes us sweaty all the time. Stupid fucking cicadas are so fucking loud, they never shut the fuck up! And the fucking dragonflies! Why are there so many in the summer? Why are they so fucking huge? Scary fucking shits. And then there's the fact that you can never comfortably fall asleep cause you're fucking sweaty and the fucking cicadas!" You cry out, arms waving around dramatically. 

Suna simply closes his eyes, shaking his head. "You're insane." 

"Tch, shut up. These are very much valid reasons."

"Please, I was kidding." 

"No, you weren't" 

"...I wasn't" 



See, now you had just confused yourself. You've always had these strong opinions towards the hot season; choosing to pass the hours inside a shopping mall instead of in the park, despite the good weather...hoarding all of the fans in the house, just so you could get a wink of sleep...mindlessly (and endlessly) complaining about the same few things you always complain about when forced to be outside with friends or family. You've confused yourself because right now, the sun doesn't seem as hot as it used to be in pass summers. You're not as sticky and dripping with sweat, like in the past. The dragonflies seem to be smaller this year, and the cicadas aren't as loud either. Previous nights, you've fallen asleep rather quickly, the heat nor buzz of cicada being much of a problem. 


It is because your moments spent under the sun, were spend hand in hand with Suna. You let him drag you all over town, treating you to ice cream, boba and popsicles whenever you looked a bit too hot (despite your complaints about getting too fat, he never listened, claiming he didn't care). It was because whenever a dragonfly got too close, Suna would swat it away before you were even able to notice. It was because the loud buzz of cicadas were drowned out by Suna's voice, as you listened to him talk for hours on end. It was because every night, you went to sleep esatic to repeat the next day, all over again with Suna. 

It was because of moments like these. 

Under the setting sun, Suna's figure basked in the golden light. You couldn't help but to stare, as he walked you down the street back home. Stare and wonder what you ever did to deserve him in your life, wonder what stroke of luck had to happen for him to exist in your world. 

"Stop looking at me like that." Suna grumbles, barely glancing down at you. 

You don't listen, continuing to stare admiringly causing Suna to click his tongue in annoyance. 

As if the moment couldn't get better, water droplets start to fall from the sky, cooling you from the heat. 

"Damn, forecast didn't say it was going to rain today," Suna swivels his head around, looking for a place to hide underneath to let the rain pass. "You got one thing right about hating summer. How much it randomly rains. Ruins the moment." 

"I don't think so," You break your stare from Suna. Smiling and closing your eyes, tilting your head up to face the sky, you let the droplets hit your face. 

Tightly gripping your hand, Suna tries to drag you underneath an awning of a nearby cafe, only for you to slip out of his grasp. "Come on, [Name]. You're going to get sick." He sighs in an annoyed tone. You can almost imagine him crossing his arms, rolling his eyes. 

The rain now is coming down hard, completely soaking your hair and clothes. Opening your eyes to look at Suna, he's still standing in the rain besides you. His hair, soaked like yours, is flat and plastered to his face. And he looks plenty annoyed. 

"Come on, Rin." You grab his hand, dragging him further into the rain, splashing in the growing puddles to soak even your socks and shoes. "You've got to admit, this is kind of romantic." 

Like always, Suna's response to your teasing is a deadpan expression. Despite his bleak outer expression, he puts up no resistance as you pull him further from the cafe awning. In the middle of the street, rain pounding down, you pull Suna close, tiptoeing so you can see even the water droplets collecting on his eyelashes. 

"Do you really want to spend your summer break sick in bed?" He mumbles. 

"You think we'll be able to see a rainbow?" You whisper, looking beyond Suna at the almost completely set sun. 

Likewise to you ignoring his question, Suna disregards yours. Instead, cupping your face in his hands, bringing your attention and gaze back to him. You're taken aback by how close your faces are, it being millimeters away from a kiss. Despite the shared breaths in the small distance, Suna makes no moves. Simply, he starred in the same admiration you did at him moments ago.

author's note; 

oopsy poopsy i've been dealing with a writer's block for about a week now but i think im back :D 

𝑼𝒏𝒅𝒆𝒓 𝒕𝒉𝒆 𝑪𝒉𝒆𝒓𝒓𝒚 𝑩𝒍𝒐𝒔𝒔𝒐𝒎𝒔 - 𝒓. 𝒔𝒖𝒏𝒂Where stories live. Discover now