13 | Let Me Eat You Clean, Alright? (M)

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Transaltor: PastTimer

Editor: PastTiner


If Xia Xi had to identify the most embarrassing experiences in his life, it would be: having to watch the scene of his parents having sex, being forcibly stripped by Xia Hui, and now. But this time seemed to be different; in addition to embarrassment, there was also shame, Xia Xi's heart was also somehow messed up. What he was most afraid of was seeing Chu Lan's disgusted expression or hearing his mocking words.

Like being called a monster.

Xia Xi bit his lips hard, he couldn't help but shed tears. He didn't know what part of him Chu Lan was looking at, but Xia Xi knew he had already seen all of him. Now, he could only wait like a criminal being trialled, waiting for the young man's anger to manifest.

His trembling lower body was suddenly stroked, Xia Xi was caught off guard and uncontrollably let out a whimper. He opened his eyes hurriedly and wanted to curl up. Chu Lan said, "Don't move!"

There was a trace of impatience in his tone, which made Xia Xi unable to guess what he was thinking, but the touch on his lower body became more and more vivid. The boy with his thinly callused palms stroked his genitals, kneading the soft flesh several times. Each time he did, Xia Xi wondered if he would suddenly pull it off with force, the imagery made Xia Xi even more scared, he was almost shaking in fear. In the end, his soft genital was coaxed to stand by the other's hand, the pink foreskin was stretched and swollen, and the round glans came out. A bit of liquid was spilt from the belled mouth.

Xia Xi panicked even more, he looked at Chu Lan's face helplessly and said dumbly: "I- I'm not...." He wanted to say that he didn't mean it, but when Chu Lan looked at him he became at lost for words, swallowing back what he wanted to say in shock.

The boy in front of him had an entirely different appearance¹, there were two flames in his eyes; burning vigorously, burning fiercely. In the darkness, he looked like a wolf stalking his prey².

A wolf that had just achieved adulthood, in his prime in terms of energy and strength!

And Xia Xi was the prey he was staring at; he was like a weak, tender, and delicious lamb. He had entered the wolf's hunting range, no matter how scared he was, he couldn't escape the fate of being killed and eaten.

Chu Lan stared at him, his tone was voice was cold, "Nothing to say?" Chu Lan's palm was still stroking his genitalia, at first, his technique was a bit jerky, but he gradually became familiar with it and even had a tendency of slipping downwards. Xia Xi jumped in shock, he closed his eyes in despair and whispered: "I l-lied to you, I... I...."

Chu Lan placed the candlestick on the tableside, with his other hand now free, he rubbed his broad palm on Xia Xi's skin and lowered his head. He leaned in next to his ear and asked abruptly: "Did you know how to...." He considered his words, "....have sex?"

Those two words were enough to make Xia Xi feel extremely embarrassed, the tips of his ears were red, the damp heat from the breath of the teenager attacked his ears, making them tickle. Chu Lan continued, "Was it fun tricking me for so long? Making me look like a fool; did you laugh when I said one could get a baby just by kissing? I didn't dare to let you know I was hard, but you didn't tell me even the truth of that, did you?"

Xia Xi was unable to refute, each sentence further cemented his guilt, making him dare not escape. He could only say weakly, "I'm sorry...."

"How can I forgive you with just an apology?" Chu Lan stared at his white and tender earlobes and finally did what he had been thinking about for a long time, he opened his mouth and took a bite, rolling it between his teeth and sucking it fiercely, "How can you compensate me?" He took in every inch of Xia Xi aggressively, as if staring at his prey; thinking about whether to kill or spare. He didn't wait for Xia Xi to answer, a cruel smile appeared on his face and he whispered: "Should I eat you clean?"

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