44 | Gossip

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Translator: PastTimer

Editor: PastTimer


His husband's deep love both shocked Xia Xi and made him feel at ease, but he was still a little guilty about Cai Huan. So every time Chu Lan sent something good, he would share it with Cai Huan. His belly was getting bigger and bigger, and big robes couldn't cover it any longer. The imperial doctor advised him to take walks appropriately, so Xia Xi would walk in the Palace during the day when the sun was mild and not so hot.

The Palace had been renovated and a new garden was built. Although it wasn't as broad as the back garden of the Xia Palace, after planting much flowers and plants, it indeed became a suitable place for walking. Xia Xi had been walking when he ran into Cai Huan who was also there for a walk, so they became walking companions for their everyday walks. Cai Huan still had the same lively temper as before. She had been with Xia Xi for several years, and she was most equipped on how to make him laugh. She worked hard, so Xia Xi who was walking with her was always in a good mood.

The plants and trees in the garden were all from other places, many of them were varieties that the Barbarians didn't originally have. The blooming flowers were also colorful, which attracted not only the two masters, but also many Palace servants. Xia Xi wasn't a harsh person, seeing them come there to frolick, he didn't stop them, he just told them not to pick the flowers or step on the grass.

That day, the two of them were still walking in the garden, with only Lan Duo'er following behind them. Cai ahuan supported Xia Xi's arm and suddenly asked, "Where's the son adopted by Your Highness? Why isn't he present for his filial piety?"

Xia Xi smiled and said: "He's gone to study. He's good at martial arts, horseback riding, and archery. I asked the King to find a master for him, he has a tight schedule full of daily courses, so he doesn't have much free time."

Cai Huan curled her lips and said, "His Highness spoils him too much, he's still dumb in the end. By the way, Your Highness, since when did he become dumb? Was he dumb from birth?"

Xia Xi said: "I don't know. When I saw him, he couldn't speak, but he was smart and learned everything quickly. He was much better than me when I was a kid, my King also said that he was a malleable talent. In the future, he can be someone with qualifications for being a general."

Cai Huan couldn't help but mock: "I've never heard of any general who's dumb." Xia Xi frowned slightly when he heard her excessiveness. "Cai Huan..." Cai Huan stuck her tongue out at him, revealing a mischievous smile, "I know, that kid is now the flesh and blood of His Royal Highness, I can't say anything, I can't say anything." Xia Xi wanted to explain with a few more words, but he suddenly heard a small noise from a bush not far away. The voices seemed to be two Palace men conversing, Xia Xi stopped talking and couldn't help but listen, his expression changed after hearing what they said.

A Palace servant whispered: "The Queen is so strange. She lived in the temple, but the King had never visited her there, even if he had, he cannot go every day. Who knows if this child is really the King's heir?"

Another person also agreed: "Yes, everyone's spreading rumours, saying that the Queen might've had an affair with other men..."

"The Queen's very beautiful, any man that won't be moved by her isn't a true man. I also heard that she's very licentious. It was still daytime, but she was copulating inside the Palace with the King... her moans almost overturned the Palace roof."


When Xia Xi heard the gossip, he didn't feel very strongly about the doubts of his child's father, but when he heard the latter sentence, he felt even the roots of his ears burn. His face was fully flushed with shame. He hadn't reacted yet when Cai Huan besides him marched over, she straightened her waist and said fiercely: "What kind of absurdity do you think you're saying? Do you think you can just talk about His Highness? Don't you want your tongue anymore?"

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