42 | Helping The Big Bellied (M)

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Translator: PastTimer

Editor: PastTimer


It was still daytime, originally not a suitable time for sex, but Chu Lan seemed to be unable to wait even a moment more. He pulled the bed curtains down and went to take off Xia Xi's clothes. He had taken off Xia Xi's robe and was about to untie his undercoat when Xia Xi suddenly covered his chest, looking at him with a flushed face, his eyes shining with tears.

Chu Lan raised his eyebrows, his tone was dangerous, "Not letting me look at it? What are you hiding?"

Xia Xi shook his head shyly, he kicked his lips again and whispered: "No, its nothing..." Chu Lan leaned in and whispered: "Then take your hand away, it's been a long time since I've gazed upon you, I've thought of you so much." He arched his hands over, rubbing Xia Xi's arm directly, and then used his teeth to bitingly untangle the knots of his clothes. When the knot was solved, he tore apart the clothes with his teeth again, revealing the beige-colored dudou¹ inside.

Obviously, the apron was made bigger on purpose to cover his chubby belly. Chu Lan first kissed his protruding belly and was slightly taken aback when his eyes fell on his chest.

Seeing that he found the abnormality of his body, Xia Xi covered his chest once more because of shame. This time Chu Lan moved faster than him, grabbing his arm first and fixed his eyes on his chest in shock. After a while, he said in disbelief: "Xi'er you... have breasts?"

Xia Xi's chest was originally flat, with only a shallow layer of soft fat at most, but now his chest was actually uplifted, his dudou was too small to completely cover them and so revealed the rounded arcs that were actually much bigger than before. Xia Xi blushed to the extreme, when knew that Chu Lan saw it, he couldn't wait to hide his body. He didn't dare to say a word.

Chu Lan let go of his arm, placing his wide palm on his chest and lightly grasping it. The breast felt soft and rich on the palm of his hand. He slowly recovered from the seemingly inconceivable event with a look of ecstasy on his face, he confirmed once again: "Are they really breasts? When did Xi'er grow them?"

Xia Xi covered his face embarrassedly, Chu Lan pestered him again, he could only admit with shame: "After three months..." He wondered if it was because he drank a lot of milk. After knowing that he was pregnant, Lan Duo'er had stubbornly heated milk for him to drink. Xia Xi didn't realize it at first, but one day, his breasts became so sore that he couldn't ignore it any longer. He discovered that he was developing once more. After that, his breast became plumper and plumper, although it didn't reach the point of being notably generous, it was also very different from his flat-chested appearance from before.

Xia Xi was still more inclined to refer to himself as male. Although he had been married, had sex with a man, had been entered countless times, and was currently pregnant, he still felt embarrassed about having a pair of breasts, so he didn't want to tell Chu Lan immediately. Chu Lan was staring firmly at him at the moment, as if he was thinking of a way to punish him². However, Chu Lan was now completely stimulated, he took off his dudou, allowing the breasts to become perfectly exposed.

Xia Xi's complexion was fair and flawless, after pregnancy, his skin became smoother and more clear. His new pair of breast didn't create any sense of disharmony on his visage, on the contrary, it made the piece of flesh appear more erotic, easily arousing people's desires. His breasts were very white and soft, and the top was dotted with two red nipples, like red fruits growing on the top of a snowy mountain peak. Chu Lan's breath was messed up, visibly tempted, and he couldn't help but open his mouth and suck on it.

"Don't... ah... Chu Lan..." The breasts had become more and more sensitive after developing, even just rubbing against rough clothing could make them harden immediately. At this moment, Xia Xi was being sucked up by his man like this, he couldn't help but moan softly from his throat. His face instantly went red, his body trembled slightly, and he whimpered for mercy, "Don't suck so hard... um... don't lick too... Chu Lan..."

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