"You're losing yourself, aren't you?" She couldn't look me directly in the eyes, as if the sight of me was too much to bear.

"Momma!" I laughed, hoisting her to her feet. "Enough of that."

It had been over two weeks since the videos with Vic had started, and each one seemed just as disturbing and degrading as the one before it. You'd think after filming over a dozen of the things, I'd have gotten the hang of it.

Or at least been able to conceal the marks left behind better.

"Ambriella," she gripped my hand, pulling down to keep me rooted in place. "I need you to know something,"

"What is it?" I blinked calmly, straightening my back out to stand tall and confident.

"I want you to know that you- you've made me proud of who you are as a woman. I need you to know that I'm sorry for what you've had to go through. You were such a sweet girl with such big hopes for your future and-"

"Mom, I don't want you to feel bad about-"

"They were all taken from you. You never deserved what you had to go through, and I'll have you know there aren't many women out there who could handle a minute of what you have to experience."

With a heavy heart, I turned away from her and began to load up her clothes, packing the trash bag as full as I could. "We all have to go through things to survive. I know you didn't have it much differently than I do now."

"Have you been doing their drugs? Or have they started taking any pictures of you?"

Staying silent, I thought well and good about my next words. I was never expecting to have to discuss all of this with Momma. There was nothing I had to be ashamed of. God knows she's had to go through nightmares I couldn't fathom. Would she still be proud if she knew about the collection of taboo videos that advertised my body as a toy to be played with and drained of all battery life?

"Please tell me you haven't been sucked into their circle. You haven't done their drugs have you?"

"They've never made me take any drugs like that. Other than the time they had to sedate me for their first video. I haven't been made to shoot anything." taking a shaky breath in an awkward pause, I tied off the bag and looked back up at her. "They just like to film me."

"Does he know about it?"

"Who? Chris?"

"Does he know about this whole mess?"

"Yes, I suppose he knows enough of the big details. Sure, there are some things that I keep from him. Momma, I know that I shouldn't keep anything from the one man who's given all of himself to me, but I just can't face it. I fear for my life every day. If I let Chris get any closer, then his life is just as much at risk as mine is. He already knows too much and he's hungry for justice."

"Keep it that way, Briel." She nodded solemnly, fidgeting around uncomfortably. "If you want to protect what you have now, you'd stay smart about it and stay silent."

"Doing that didn't do much good. Chris knows about nearly everything now."

"They're always watching you, Briel. It's just a matter of time before everything comes to a boil and you become nothing but their trophy."

"Do you see a chance for this to ever come to an end?"

"Your Papa would always tell me that we would get out and live normal lives again, and now he's dead. Anything that comes in the middle of their plans is fucked."

"Papa betrayed Daddy. He made a terrible mistake that cost him his life."

"And you aren't betraying him? With your love interest that wants to get blindly involved? Briella."

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