Chapter 1

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The league of villains recently kidnapped you because shigaraki thought your power would be useful to them.

Toga: hey boss I think they are waking up

Shigaraki: great....toga don't get too close

You started opening your eyes and found
yourself in a stiff chair and unable to move.
You looked down at your hands and they were tied behind the chair with ropes. Your feet were tied up too. You look around the room and saw a guy with an extra hand on his face ,a girl with knifes, a guy who looked like he could be a magician. But the one who stood out to you the most was a guy standing in the corner having no interaction with the others. His face looked beat up but maybe that was because of all the scars he had and the lighting.
You stared at him for a while and then he looked back at you. His glare at you was intense, you felt him stare into your soul with just his eyes. His eyes were beautiful though, you always admired blue eyes because they always looked so kind but the way he was staring at you,you didn't think that anymore.
Shigaraki: don't think of this as a capture y/n think of it as an opportunity.
Y/n: yeah right this is bullshit!... take me back!
Shigaraki: you have a temper, just as I suspected.
Y/n: what the heck are you talking about?
Toga: I like her
She said holding out one of her knifes
Shigaraki: y/n you are an important piece to my puzzle. Your anger and quirk, it's amazing.
Y/n: listen I know I'm amazing but can you get to the damn point!
Shigaraki: I want you to join the league
You raised your eyebrow then started laughing.
Shigaraki was losing his patience because you laughed at it when he was being 100% serious.

Y/n: oh crap your serious?

Toga: oh c'mon it will be fun y/n! We will have so much fun together, I'll be your best friend.

Shigaraki: not everything is about fun toga, imagine this y/n. You ruling the world with us, we will be together and treat you as family. You'll be able to do whatever you want,kill whoever you want. You'll live like a king.

Y/n: correction QUEEN, and no way am I joining I worked way to hard at UA to give up must be on drugs.

Shigaraki: ok fine, I'll give you time to think about it until then you'll be staying here, Dabi watch her.

At this point the rest of the people leave and it's just you and Dabi. He looks annoyed because he had stuff to do.

Dabi: since when did I get stuck on babysitting duty. 

He said while throwing a can on the floor.
You both sit in silence for about 20 minutes until Dabi decides he's going to get a monster drink.

Dabi: I'm going out don't go anywhere, not like you can.

He grabbed his jacket and went out the door making sure to slam it.
Now your alone in a big cold room
You spot one of toga's knifes that she left and you use it to cut the rope and set free.
You do the same to your legs.
You touch the door knob and it's so cold to the point you feel your finger tip freeze.
You open it and behind the door was Dabi.

Y/n in your mind: CRAP!!! 

He stood there looking down on you.

Dabi: what do you think you are doing little mouse? He says while slightly lifting up your chin.

Y/n: what does it look like I was doing? Eating?

He looks at you with the same stare he gave you before. His eyes were cold and they showed no emotion. Dabi didn't like your answer so he picked you up and threw you over his shoulder.

Dabi: I don't like your attitude

He had an extra rope on him so he could tie you up again.
He sits you back into your chair and starts the tying. As he is doing it he tries to touch every inch of you he can. He touches your hand and ties is with the other one.
He keeps pulling the rope on the opposite side of each other to tighten it
He pulls it one last time.
He looks up at you

Dabi: does that hurt?

You looked away because it did but you weren't going to show him
He pulled your face closer to his

Dabi: "C'mon answer me?"

He started touching your lips softly moving his thumb side to side to soothe your lips.
He went back to his chair and brought his monster drink with him
He slammed the drink down on the small coffee table next to his chair.

Dabi: "Since your not talking and attempted to escape, oh and being a brat...I think you need a punishment.

He says that with a small smirk.
You look up at him and all he does is raise an eyebrow at you

Dabi: is there a problem?

You didn't say anything because you were already blushing and flustered.

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