Chapter 29

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After 10-20 minutes of being in your room you get a call from Dabi.
Ofc you answer it and he wanted to talk to you because he missed hearing your voice
You guys talked for a while until you hear some  knock on the door
You signal Dabi to mute himself as you go to unlock your door
Y/n: oh hey mina!
Mina: hey I wanted to make sure you were ok
Y/n: yeah I'm ok why'd you ask?
Mina: I saw todoroki pull you on to him and it looked like you didn't give him consent...did he make you uncomfortable?
Y/n: Mina thanks for checking up on me! but no he didn't, you see I was cold and he kinda helped me warm up.
Mina: oh ok
Y/n: i left because it was going to be awkward
You and Mina laugh to fill in the awkward silence.
Mina: ok good night y/n!
Y/n: night.
You closed the door and took your phone out of your pocket and saw Dabi absolutely pissed.

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