Chapter 42

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Y/n: Honestly bakugo I really don't know, out off all the people they could of chosen it was me.
Bakugo: I think it was because of your stupid quirk
You grabbed your snack and walked over to bakugo
Y/n: really? "stupid quirk" could kill you in a instant
Bakugo: tch, no it cant your dumb quirk is so weak and pathetic..
You dropped you snack and grabbed the back of bakugos neck and slammed his face into the table.
Y/n: say it again i dare you.
You didn't even use your quirk yet, it took you a second to realize what you did...again.
Y/n: shit...sorry.
Bakugo was quiet but shocked he didn't think you were going to be that strong.
You removed your hand and saw that same hand mark that you gave shigaraki.

You ran to your room because you didn't want to hurt anyone else.
You cuddled yourself in bed and talked to yourself for a while and then drifted off to sleep.
-While you were sleeping-
Todoroki came out of his room because he heard to loud bang of bakugos head being on the table.
Todoroki: bakugo! What did you do?
Todoroki: then what was that noise?
Bakugo: crazy bitch y/n
Todoroki: what?
Bakugo: she took the back of my neck and shoved it into the table, that crap hurted.
Todoroki: she wouldn't do that out of no where did you do something?
Bakugo: no-
Todoroki: don't lie your always doing something.
Todoroki: shhhh you might wake the teachers
Bakugo: so your saying IM LOUD?
Todoroki: yes, now be quiet...
Bakugo: tch,
Todoroki: still didn't answer my question
Bakugo: ok fine i said a few things about her quirk...
Todoroki: idiot
Bakugo: WHAT?
Todoroki: Mr. Aizawa made it clear that we aren't supposed to make her mad/angry on purpose.
Bakugo: yeah whatever
Todoroki leaves the room and starts walking to your dorm
Bakugo: where the hell are you going?
Todoroki: I'm going to go check up on y/n
Bakugo: fine I guess I'll come too
Todoroki remembers your password and slowly opens the door

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