Chapter 27

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Dabi then looks up at you
Dabi: whats wrong?
Y/n: your freezing
After one second of touching him your hand felt cold too but it went away.
You got up front he couch
Dabi sat on the couch correctly.
Dabi: oh c'mon it doesn't even matter!...
You take his temperature and see he had a cold.
Y/n: look Dabi
Dabi: oh
Y/n: how the hell do you have a fire quirk yet still get a cold?
Dabi looks up at you
Dabi: i don't know I haven't been out
You poke his stomach
Y/n: you might of got sick by sitting in your own filth.
You walk off to go get him some tea.
Dabi: that doesn't matter
He pats the left side of the couch as a signal for you to sit down and finish what you two started.
You look at him dead in the eyes
Y/n: Dabi no Your sick and I'm not trying to catch your shit. I'm going to get you your tea,find and give you some blankets then leave so you can get better.

Dabi coughs for a little.
You walk over to him placing the cup in his hands. Then search for blankets.
He is waiting in his bed having a light sheet cover his body.
You come back with 3 thick blankets and tuck him in all of them.
He looks at you,and you could tell he was cold.
You left the tea bags out so he could make more if he needed too.
You kissed his forehead
Y/n: get better soon
Dabi: i still don't understand why you have to leave.
He takes a sip out of his tea and his eyes light up.
He liked it.
Y/n: I'm not trying to get sick now I'm leaving.

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