Chapter three

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Johnny's Pov

I hear something go off. Very annoying buzzing in my ear. I groan in annoyance  because I was tired. I sit up and open my eyes. I'm in my room that is too big for my taste. At least when I'm by myself. When I'm with my friends or my colleagues i'm not as sad or alone. I get up and put a shirt on. I walk down stairs and have a cup of coffee and a biscuit.  I walk back up to my room and close the door. I look at the calendar on my night stand. 'Merry Christmas.' I think to myself. I sigh and go to take a shower. After I'm done I put on a pair of ripped jeans and a dress shirt that I leave half tucked. I put on all my rings and my favorite hat. 


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I grab my car keys and walk outside. I decided to go to the Spanky Taylor Company because that's usually where all of the fan mail gets sent. 'I might as well read a few.' It takes me about fifteen minutes to get there. I park and go inside. 'Whoa.'  There was a lot of mail here. There must be millions of letters here. I was about to grab a small letter right in front of me but, something caught my eye. It was the only box in the whole building. It wasn't very big and it was rather flat. The beautiful handwriting on the top was so delicate looking. I grabbed to box gently in fear i might break it. I look around until i spot a chair. I walk towards it and sit. I look at the small box in wonder. Who was it from? What's in it? I couldn't wait. I open the box and look inside. I see a letter and another parchment that was covered by wrapping paper. I grab the letter and open it rapidly. I want to know what it says. I look over it and the beautiful handwriting is there again. I begin to read. 

Hello Mr. Depp

My name is Emmy Barney. I hope you are doing well in this ghastly time. I know you probably get thousands of fan mail but I hope you will take the time to read my note. You are probably thinking I'm another fan that wants to know Johnny Depp. Don't get me wrong I love your work. I really do. I just needed someone to talk to. Forgive me for being blunt but you are the only person i trust to tell you this. My life hasn't been great. Ever since this crazy pandemic hit, I have been scared to go out of my apartment. I felt like giving up so many times. But then I started to watch your movies again. The characters you played made me smile. I felt like I needed to be happy for them.  You brought my muchness back. I don't know how many times you've heard this from friends or colleagues but, you are a wonderful man that is so kind to those who need it. You are funny and someone that I would want to be around. Like if you had this one friend that loves you and supports you in everything you do. I feel like you are that person. I love that you share your amazing singing and acting skills with all of us around the world.  You are a light in this miserable world that should never be snuffed out. We all care for you. You show so much compassion. My heart aches every time someone doesn't show you that compassion back. You've given so much hope to all of us. I wish I could give you that same hope. Someday I would like to see your amazing kindness. That day may never come. But I'm greatfull for the movies and videos so its like I'm there with you. If you ever need anyone to talk to, I'm always here. If that is what you want of course. Probably not. Please keep your light shining bright. I'll bid you adieu Johnny Depp.

yours truly, as a friend,

                                 Emmy Barney

P.S.        When I said you brought my muchness back, I meant it. Hope you like your gift. Merry Christmas!

I smile as I read the end of the letter. I set it down and look in the box. I grab the wrapped paper and pull it out. I nicely unwrap it at stare at it. (Remember the drawing i showed you guys earlier?) I look at it and everything becomes fuzzy. I soon realize that I'm crying. I start laughing. 'How can someone be so humble but make my heart soar?' I ask myself. I want to meet this girl. I decided firmly in my head. I grab the drawing and hold it close to my heart. 'Am I in love?'

It started with a letter.Where stories live. Discover now