Missed Chance

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"Are you sure this is safe?" Renjun said, narrowing his eyes as the older male witch, who was putting random ingredients into a potion.

A very suspicious looking potion.

"Yeah, you'll just be going back to some childhood memories that you forgot about." Doyoung said and Renjun watched as he poured the contents of the cauldron into a glass before passing it to Renjun. "Now drink up."

Renjun gulped as he saw the blue liquid in the glass Doyoung held, really not excited to be doing this. But at the same time, Renjun had made Doyoung drink a potion that made him speak backwards for a week because he added too much of one ingredient so he kind of owed his hyung at this point.

"If you say so." Renjun mumbled, chugging it all down quickly.

At first, nothing happened and Renjun gave Doyoung a glance as he was expecting his body to at least feel funny.

"Hyung, are you sure you-"

Renjun never got to finish his words as the world around him turned black.


"You idiot!" It was Minjee.

Renjun opened his eyes to see Minjee in front of him and she was not happy.

Renjun looked around to see that he was sitting at his desk in the classroom of the school he went to with Minjee standing at the front of it. They were alone.

Renjun glanced at the board, the date telling him that it was his last year in middle school, his graduation day not far away. Soon he would be out of this town, attending the supernatural academy instead.

"What did I-"

"What did you do, are you serious right now?" Minjee exclaimed, Renjun flinching.

That's when Renjun remembered.

Earlier that day, as a prank, he had hidden the essay the Minjee had spent all night working on in the library because she had sneaked into his room and turned all his underwear pink.

The problem was, that essay was due today.

"I hope you're satisfied because it's an automatic zero and you know that my mom's going to kill me. I hate you, Huang Renjun. I hate you so much." Minjee said, storming out of the classroom.

Renjun bit his lip, feeling a pit form in his stomach, without even thinking, he got up, chasing the girl.

"Minjee, stop! I didn't know that he would give you a zero." Renjun exclaimed, making Minjee stop, fists clenched as she stopped, turning back at him. By now, tears were streaming down her face.

Just with a look, Renjun regretted his actions. He had messed up, bad.

"Well now you do." Minjee spat before turning around. Renjun reached out, grabbing her arm to stop her.

"I'll make it up to you." Renjun told her. Minjee shot him a look.

"How are you going to do that?" Minjee asked, judging him from head to toe.

If the Coven Leader finds out, you're dead meat.

"Just trust me, alright." Renjun said, giving her a soft smile.

"Whatever." Minjee said before throwing her arm so that he had to let go of her before walking away.

Renjun could only stare at his hand as he recalled the feeling of his fingers across her skin, his heart thumping loudly in his chest.


Renjun opened his eyes, recalling the rest of the memory as he stared at the ceiling of Doyoung's lab.

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