Your Shoes

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Jimin was at her locker, getting ready to head back to the dorms after a long day of classes when she heard a few freshmen students muttering.

What do they want from me? Jimin wondered as she closed the locker beginnning to walk away.

"Wait, sunbae!"

Jimin stopped walking, already having a feeling that the sprites behind her wanted to talk. She turned around to face them. "Yes?"

Jimin watched as the girl shoved the male forward before hiding behind him. Am I really that intimidating?

The boy glanced at his friend before turning back to her. "We um.. we were just wondering if you could help us a bit."

"Depends, what is it?" Jimin asked.

The girl peeked out from the behind the boy, taking a deep breath.

"We have a test coming up about the old structure of the Vampire Royal Guard and we were wondering if you could help us since you're the former one's daughter. We know Jaemin-sunbae was preparing to take over but he's kind of you know..."


Jimin turned around, smiling as she saw Jisung standing there with his hands in his pockets. He quickly made his way to his girlfriend's side, placing an arm over her shoulders.

Jimin then remembered the request, making her smile disappear. Jisung noticed this and answered the request for them.

"Jimin's pretty busy with her own studies and training students. If you want help, go to the library, there's plenty of books on it. If that's not enough, if you bump into Renjun or Minjee, they'll give you a reall good explanation of it." Jisung told them.

The two sprites nodded their heads and Jimin was thankful that Jisung was there to cover for her as they made their way out of the school.

"Thanks for that." Jimin said, giving Jisung's hand a squeeze.

"No problem." Jisung said, squeezing her hand back but Jimin would tell he was giving her a look of concern. "Does it ever bother you?"

"What? The fact that I barely knew my father and just when my life was put in place, he died?" Jimin said.

Jisung blinked a few times, clearly not the girl to say that. "Well, I would have probably worded it better, but yeah."

Jimin sighed. "I try not to think about it but when it crosses my mind, yeah it does bother me. It bother's me a lot."

Jimin felt Jisung release her hand to wrap his arm around her waist, pulling her closer to his side.

"If you ever want to talk about it, I'm right here." Jisung reassured her.

Jimin couldn't help but smile back.

"Thanks Jisung."


Later that night, Jimin was surprised to see a message from her brother.

What are you doing tomorrow?


Jaemin chuckled as his younger sister stared at the mansion in front of them. "Are we supposed to be here?"

Jaemin shrugged his shoulders, making his way to the front door which opened with ease. "No one lives here, it's just used as storage. Seojin comes in here sometimes though to see appa's old battle plans."

Jimin seemed uncertain as she stood outside the mansion, staring at the doors. "Jaemin, are you sure?"

"Just get in here, will you?"

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