Chapter Twenty-Eight: Erik Becomes Suspicious

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   Grace ended up working for 10 hours every other day for the Monsieur. She had to cook meals for the whole day, scrub the filthy floors, and sew and wash the usually bloody linens and clothes. Playing with Mai was the one activity she looked forward to the most. She was teaching her how to act, sing, play the piano, and dance. Mai was such a shy, sweet child. She gave Grace the motivation to keep going every time she had a sharp pain or particularly difficult day. Mai deserved what Grace never had at her age, and she would do anything to give her that happiness.

   About once a week, Erik would ask her to fill in at a meeting for him or go down to the seamstress or props maker and ensure his orders and designs were being carried out exactly as he asked. And he was teaching her for an hour in the evenings to perfect her singing, which usually led to another hour of them just talking. A few times they had dinner together.

  Six hours of her day was devoted to dancing. Three to Rodger, George, and Nora. And of course, every morning, she went out for a run with Leo.

   Then there was Guy. He demanded they constantly go on aimless walks around the theatre. Erik noticed how Guy seemed to distract Grace, and the way her irritation around him always increased, yet she never said no. And where was she going in the mornings? He had watched her from the shadows, sneaking out sometimes before the sun rose, and she insisted her lessons could never be before nine. She began to turn paler and dark circles lined her eyes. It was clear to him she was lacking sleep and energy.

   Nora, George, and Rodger began to believe she was going through a tough time from her accident. But she had been fine for so long, and they didn't see an added strain. Yet this was the only logical thing they could think of.

   She had no choice but to confide in Rodger though. She figured she could sleep in a little longer if he could walk Leo for her. He had chosen to lengthen his trip by an additional two weeks after all. Might as well put him to work.

     Nothing really bad happened until the closing night. Grace felt her muscles cramping, and her head and back ached, but she danced perfectly, making it to the end of the show. But the agony was developing from her aches.

    Nora, George, and Rodger were there, waiting as the curtain fell, chatting with Christina Nilsson while Erik sat in his hidden box, viewing both the front and back of the stage, coming down only as the curtain began to close.

   Grace's arms wrapped around her midsection as she stumbled forward, into a wall.

    Rodger raced to her, and she barely noticed him as she collapsed, biting back a scream of pain. Her lungs were on fire, and her bones felt like lead weights. She had gone too far today. Overstepped her injured body's boundaries.

    "George send for her doctor!" Nora shouted.

    The three rushed away from the incoming crowds, to the living quarters.

   Grace writhed in Rodger's arms, her nails digging into his neck and back.

   George and Nora were going to meet him at her room after they sent a telegram to her doctor.

       But before he reached the door, the two came face to face with Erik.

   "What is wrong with her?"

   "Get out of the way, please. I don't think you've any right to ask."

   "Rodger... it's... the owner." Grace hissed out.

     "Did you do something to her?" Erik asked, opening the door to her room, letting Rodger in.

  "Of course not, I'm on her side here," Rodger scoffed. "Go be a knight in shining armor somewhere else, sir. Or whatever you French fellows do. Now is not the time to romance."

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