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Tom sat with his back to Harry's, deeply in thought. He was worried, but he wouldn't let it show. He knew that if Voldemort knew about him then both he and Harry would be in danger.

"Harry," he said at last, "I know a way to keep us safe. It's really difficult, though."

"With your help," Harry said quietly, "I can do anything."

Tok smiled. "Oh, of course. It's called Occlumency. Have you heard of it?"

Harry shrugged. "Not that I can recall. Though, Hermione might've mentioned it before. I tune her out when she gets in one of her moods," his face seemed to dim at the mention of his ex-friend.

"I'm going to teach you how to close off your mind," Tom said, "I already know how to do it, that's why he hasn't found me out yet. But you've gotta learn to do it, too, so he won't be able to get information from you."

"Okay," Harry tilted his head, "When will we start?"

"Now's fine," Tom shifted, sitting Indian style, gesturing for Harry to the same. "Be relaxed. Close your eyes and do as I say. Imagine your mind as a huge vault. Take all your memories you don't want Voldemort to get to, and put them in this vault. One by one, imagine yourself locking them away. Put the more important stuff in the back of the vault."

"How is this supposed to help?"

"Shush, love," Tom said. "When Voldemort tries to get into your mind, or when someone uses Legimancy on you, it's someone opening the vault and working their way through it. You with me?"

"I think so."

"Your goal with Occlumency is to reinforce the vault door as much as possible. Make your emotions unreadable. Your mind is to be a blank wall. If someone tries to force their way into the vault, push back with a wall of blankless. If someone gets past that, then you must divert them. Keep pushing unimportant memories in front of the things you need to protect."

"I think I got it."

"You'll need some practice, but I'm sure you'll manage," Tom smiled. "I'd use Legimancy to demonstrate and help you learn, but alas I lack a wand and the ability to do underage magic."

"Why would you need a wand?"


"I mean," Harry said, "If Voldemort and I are connected by his soul and he'd have the ability to read my mind, in a sense, then wouldn't you, who is also a horocrux, have the ability to do the same?"

Tom considered this. "Possibly," he said. "But I don't know if I want to try it. It's an unpleasant experience, Legimancy is."

"It's okay. I want you to do it. Even if it sucks. I've gotta learn, so I can protect us."

"Are you sure?"

"I'm positive, Tom."

Tom took a deep breath, closing his eyes. Harry needed to perfect this. To be careful, to be safe, to defeat the Dark Lord. With that in mind, he plunged his way into Harry's mind.

Remembering Love (Tomarry) (HP)Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat