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It was not long until the letters arrived.

Not the Hogwarts standard school letters- it was still only late July- but letters from fans-turned-foes. How they found out Harry's living arrangement, he wasn't exactly sure. He supposed "magic" would be a valid answer.

The letters began to increase in both quantity and intensity as the days went on. Most were just  bashing him for "lying to the entire wizarding world!" and being an "undeserving and manipulative brat!" Though there were the occasional more creative ones. Such as the fanart of him getting flipped off by Dudley- Harry quite admired the handiwork. At first, it got to him. He had always been used to being hated by a lot of Slytherins- but this wasn't the same. He was hated by everyone.

About a week after the letters started arriving, Harry had a meltdown. People were blaming Harry for his parents death. It got to him. He cried in his room, though he supposed it would be worse if Tom Riddle wasn't there to comfort him.

Eventually, the letters stopped arriving. That's what Harry came to believe. It wasn't true, of course, because it no one knew when to leave the poor boy alone. Tom had just started collecting the letters and destroying them before Harry could get his hands on them.

Harry's "friends" hadn't written him until the third week away. The Weasley's had written him one letter, addressed from the entire family. They have half assed excuses as to why they'd waited so long to write him, such as a death in the family. After looking in the magical obligatoy (which the wizard girl, Lestrange provided for them), and finding no Weasley death, not even a distant cousin or something. Hermione's letter was just a "Hope you're doing well :)!"

Harry wanted, so badly, to believe that Tom had been wrong about his friends. He wanted more than anything to have proof that hie friends actually care- that they weren't with him for his money or fame. But, no. This was just the final nail in the coffin. Harry was alone, save for Tom.

The pair was not liked by the other children, save for the other wizards of which there was a handful.

Wool's Orphanage seemed to draw them in, after all.

There was five other wizards there, ranging from small children, like Annabelle, to sixth years. None of them ever talked to the pair, though, and Harry and Tom only knew about them because of Lestrange. They kept their distance.

The non magical children, of which there was maybe thirty, but no more than fourty, did not get along well with Tom. Tom was cold and aggressive and he scared the other children. And so they called him a freak. And because Harry was friends with Tom, they called him a freak, too. Harry didn't take this well. He had the whole wizarding world againist him, his friends against him, and now the muggle children as well? Why, Harry was on the verge of another meltdown.

And such, Tom began to plot.

Remembering Love (Tomarry) (HP)Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum