Chapter Forty Nine: Hamieydat Al Hassan

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"How's he?" We reached the emergency ward and was directed to the private section by a smiling nurse. Falmata asked her brother.

"He's still in surgery. They were in when we arrived and no one has come to tell us anything." I nodded and Falmata exhaled loudly before finding herself a seat.

"Fally," Bashir called to his sister. She got up and walked to him so he got up himself and pulled her into his arms. He whispered something to her and she began to shout, tears poured down her eyes like a tap was sprung open. I turned to Munir in surprise; he shook his head and told me.

"Mum stabbed Dad." My eyes widened as far as they could. Nothing could have prepared me or even any of us for that piece of news. I then noticed a lady sitting in the corner, just leaning on the wall in silence.

"Because dad decided to go out again." I didn't get the meaning of 'go out' until i saw Munir's gaze flicker to the lady sitting in the corner. Chocolate skinned, chubby beauty in a smart casual attire and a strechy hijab wrapped around her face and body.

"Who's she?" I asked Munir in a whisper, he spread his lips in confused question like me and said that he just found out too that Baaba had been going out with her, this was just their third date.

"You know her name?" He shook his head and motioned towards Bashir who was holding a now snifflingFalmata in his arms. "He knows. He just didn't tell us." I smiled sadly and turned my face away.

My very curious self couldn't help it so I turned around and greeted the lady in question. Seeing as I extended pleasantries, she got up and came closer. I found out her name, Hamieydat Al Hassan. The name rang some familiar bells so I sat back after greeting and tried to remember where. Afterwards, the dress I wore for my first date with Baaba came up and I remember the designer being Nigerian.

I looked her over again and found myself respecting her more.


"Would you like to leave? If you leave us your number, we'll call you when he wakes." She first shook her head then nodded. She'd been waiting with us for the past four hours and we have still not heard a thing.

"Alright. Here's my card, please call me on the number I printed on the back." I nodded and collected the silver embossed card, sliding it straight into my suit pocket.

"Bye." She waved and left. Munir and I looked at each other and smiled, she was obviously uncomfortable with leaving but it was far too late for her to be out and about driving all by herself so I asked her to go home.

Just as she left, the doors to the emergency room opened and Baaba was wheeled out and taken away in another direction. I saw Bashir visibly sigh and his lips said Alhamdulillah, I exhaled myself and waited for the doctor to reach us.

"You're the oldest right?" The older male doctor reached us and pointed at Bashir after giving us a glance over.

"No, my sister is the oldest, you can say what you want to say to her." The man hesitated. I saw his eyes and face hesitate to do as Bashir said.

"Females don't understand technicalities. That's why I want to speak to a man, man to man." Bashir gently put Falmata aside, after ensuring she was sitting okay. He asked the doctor to repeat himself with an angry smile I've come to associate with him and Baaba. You better not let them smile at you like that.

"You mean, my sister a honor's graduate in her discipline doesn't understand technicalities? Is that what you're trying to say?" Seeing that Bashir didn't budge, I got up and told them to end it. My brother stared at me and motioned for us to follow the doctor.

We reached his office and sat waiting as he poured himself a glass of water and gulped it down. "Your dad did well during surgery, although the knife pierced through his upper abdomen, it did a clean sweep to the near his spleen. You would expect it to have slashed through several organs on the way but he was very lucky. He's safe and sound." Bashir nodded and asked a few questions about post operative care.

"These are the technicalities that my sister would not understand?" The man coughed lightly and I put out my hand on Bashir's arm. He visibly calmed, got up and left.

Omg guys, Hi.

I was looking through my drafts and found out that the last time I wrote a word, before tonight was December 2nd. I meannnnn. I've missed writing this book and although I spent the last week plotting, it still didn't come easy.

So please take note of my efforts and go leave a comment up there if you haven't. Also press the orange star 🌟 as you leave too. I'll be very grateful ❤️

See y'all soon. Bask in this chapter, in God's love and in my prayers for blessings for you all.

TheOmoope 💙💛🙃

Misfortunate (Completed)Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora