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Jeno and I hold hands as we walk through the park all the way to the fountain. I'm not exactly sure how we ended up hand and hand, we just did.

As we walk, I slow down as we pass the chair-swing ride.

"Do you like that ride?" Jeno questions, noticing my change in pace

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"Do you like that ride?" Jeno questions, noticing my change in pace.

"Yeah, I go on it every time I'm at a theme park." I reply. I shrug it off and continue walking, but I'm stopped by Jeno tightening his grip on my hand.

"Let's ride it."

"What about finding everyone else?"

"They can wait." He says, dragging me towards the line.

We rode that, along with many other things. The two of us ran left and right laughing, snacking, and just having the best time.

As the sun begins to set, Jeno works up the courage to ask Mi-sun to ride the Ferris Wheel with him.

Jeno ask me to ride the Ferris Wheel and I, of course, agree. We step into the little carts, sitting across from one another while we wait to ascend.

 We step into the little carts, sitting across from one another while we wait to ascend

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I look out the window as we slowly rise, marveling at the beautiful sight below.

"Wow, it's beautiful." I state in awe.

"It really is." Jeno lets out. I shift my gaze, only to see him staring at me.

I giggle and look down at my feet before turning back to the window.

'Come on, I can't like Jeno. You already like Hyuck and Jaemin you idiot.'  I think to myself.

I move my eyes to Jeno's frame once more. He looks at me and flashes a smile, his eye forming into their cute crescent shapes.

I look away as my heartbeat speeds and I sigh.

We get off the Ferris Wheel and Jeno suggest we go back to Donghyuck's house and call our friends from there.

When we open the door, we see a group of people sitting in the living room. Everyone, including Hyuck's mom and siblings, were gathered in a circle, all of them wearing Korean face mask. A large veggie tray sat in the middle of them and the TV was on displaying the home shopping network in the background.

Apparently it was something Donghyuck and his mom did regularly on weekends, and once Mrs. Lee suggest it, no one declined.

"Uhhh... " Jeno trails off.

"Mi-sun!" Yunhee shouts, standing and running up to me. "Girly are you okay? We were looking all over for you!"

"Yeah, I'm fine. And I can see how 'hard' you've searched." I say with hints of sarcasm.

"Well, after awhile I realized I had your phone and it was getting really cold out so we decided to come back here, knowing you'd eventually do the same." When she mentioned it was cold, I look down from her eyes to see her wearing Renjun's jacket.

"Fine, I forgive you." I give her a smug look.

"I can't believe she was alone with Jeno for so long." Jaemin mutters.

Both Hyuck and Jaemin were visibly upset but Renjun, on the other hand, didn't seem to be affected much.

"We have some catching up to do." I state, looking back and forth between her and Renjun.

"We really do." She responds, looking Jeno up and down.

"Oooh, girl talk in Donghyuck's room!" Mrs. Lee shouts, walking towards me and Yunhee and lightly shoving us.

"What the- in my room? Can I join at least?" Hyuck ask.

"No, but one of you boys can make yourselves useful and order a pizza." She says before closing the door.

"Not it." Renjun calls out, adjusting his mask over his nose.

"Rock, paper, scissors?" Jeno shrugs.

"Rock, paper, scissors?" Jeno shrugs

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