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I keep feeling this weird sensation around Hyuck. Like, whenever he talks, I can't help but to giggle. When he smiles, my heart pounds and my whole world brightens.

I went from thinking he's just some annoying popular kid, to a strange friend, and now I see him as my entire childhood and maybe the first person I've ever fallen for.

Maybe I was just enchanted by childhood Hyuck, the kind best friend who I did everything with. Or maybe I like him more for what he is now.

His personality hasn't changed, it's just that his loud and careless traits have become more dominate. As for his looks, even though he was super cute back then, he may look even more attractive now, almost all grown up.

I realize that this weirdly strong sensation I feel for him I've only ever experienced with one other person.


Me and Hyuck walk side by side down the sidewalk together. We were on our way to school, reminiscing in the memories of our childhood.

"And remember that one video game we used to always play together?" Hyuck ask while skipping and smiling widely.

"Yes, I remember how you'd always tease me every time you won." I recall, jokingly rolling my eyes.

"Yeah, you would get super sulky so I'd tell you to lay on my lap. You'd let me brush your hair with my fingers as you watch me play." I smile as he brings up sweet memory, feeling the same sensation around him I'd been feeling since last night.

"Hey, what are you guys talking about?" Jaemin ask, coming up to greet the two of us at the school gates.

"Remember when I told you about my childhood best friend?" I ask.

"Oh, you mean that one jerk who pretended you didn't exist." Jaemin says, sending a fake smile to Haechan who was glaring back at him. "Go on."

"Uh... heh I'll let you two catch up." I rushing off after my words. Why is there always so much tension between them?

I enter the school building and find Yunhee. She was standing at her locker, going looking through some textbooks.

I immediately grab her arm and drag her to the library.

When we get there, she begins to whine to me.

"Mi-sun, why did you-"


"Wait- WHAT!"

"I don't know!"

"You like HIM?"

"I don't know!" I shout. "I might just like the idea of him! You know, the whole childhood friends to lovers cliché!"

The librarian lets out a loud "shh!" and we continue to talk, this time we whisper yelling.

"Wait, so what about Jaemin?"

"That's the thing, I think I like both of them... "

She gasp, "So like, a love triangle!"

"Not really... isn't a love triangle when two people like the same person, not the other way around?"

"But- you know what, nevermind. I let them tell you... " Yunhee mumbles the last part.

"Who, tell me what?"

"Nothing. Speaking of telling stuff, I want a detailed analysis of everything that happened yesterday at Haechan's house."

I giggle and explain to her what happened. She seemed very immersed in the story, gasping at some parts and even tearing up with me when I tell her about finding out Hyuck really is my long lost childhood friend.

"That's why he acted so weird towards you!"

"Yeah, but I'm just glad it's really him. I finally have my best friend back."

"Does that mean you're going to be his best friend now?" Yunhee pouts.

"Don't worry, you're still my number one." I wink at her.

"Yay, I can be your best friend and he can be your boyfriend!" Yunhee smirks. I hit her softly, becoming nervous, but we just laugh it off and the bell rings.

Later on, me and Hyuck were on our way to History together when one of his popular friends approaches us.

"Haechan, what are you doing hang out with this nerd." Some boy random laughs, gesturing towards me.

Donghyuck rolls his eyes and grabs my hand and drags me away. His friends call his name, but their words drown out into the background as he keeps walking.

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