My cheeks grow warm from Jaemin's comment and I turn my head, hoping that the two boys don't see.

Jeno softly hits Jaemin's arm.

"Why are you flirting with her, you might make her uncomfortable." Jeno scolds.

"No, no, it's fine." I reassure. The compliment somewhat caught me off guard, it wasn't something I heard often, as sad as that sounds.

"I really mean it though." Jaemin says, making my palms become sweaty.

"I'll, be right back." I excuse myself, getting up from the table and rushing out of the lunchroom, almost tripping on my way out.

I find the bathroom and run inside, slamming my back against the wall as I hold a hand over my pounding heart. 

Does he like me? Do I like him. I can't like him, I've only known him for a few days. 

So many thoughts rush through my head. How could one person make me feel so much?

"What do I do?" I mutter.

Just then, I hear a toilet flush.

Shoot, I didn't realize someone else is in here. I hope they didn't see my little breakdown.

"Um, I'm not sure exactly what you're dealing with, but anything can be solved with a little O.F.D." A girl speaks, emerging from one of the stalls and making her way to the sinks. "That's what I call onesies, food, & dramas."

The girl is about 5'6 or 168 cm. She had long, ombré hair, a fade from dark brown to a bright blonde. She had pretty deep brown eyes and a small button nose hanging over top her thin pink lips. She had on the basic school uniform, but paired it with some bright red wedges.

"D- Did you say food and dramas?" I ask, stuttering because I'm distracted by her beauty.

"Yup! That's how I spend my weekends."

"I think you're my soulmate."

She giggles. "The names Yunhee."

I stood there, admiring her for a couple seconds, then quickly shake my head to snap out of my thoughts.

"Hello Yunhee, I'm Mi-sun. Thanks for the advice but I must go, I have to see what romance is like outside of fanfiction." I state, stomping out of the bathroom with my head held high.

I began marching down the hall, walking slower and slower after comprehending what'd just happened. 'Ugh, why did I say that? Great going Mi-sun. Now you've scared off a possibly new friend.' I nag myself.

"Wait!" Someone yells from behind me, they're loud footsteps growing loud within seconds.

I turn my head to see Yunhee running towards me, hands still damp from washing.

"I have no idea what you meant by what you said, but I'd like to find out! Take me with you strange girl!" She shouts. I nod and link my arm through hers, feeling more confidents than ever.

Together, we march straight into the lunchroom and go to my table to face Na Jaemin.

Only to see that another girl, occupying my seat.

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