Genuine - oikawa

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oikawa tōru x gn reader

genre: angsty fluff

warnings: cursing

word count: 2315

He recognized your face from the crowded hallways, the assemblies, and the several classes he had shared with you over the last three years. He even knew your name.

And yet, somehow, this was his first interaction with you.

You were seated next to him in the back of the classroom, messing around on your phone when the teacher made a snide comment about yesterday's test grades. The sarcastic remark you made under your breath caught him by surprise. He glanced at you, at the annoyed look on your features, and let out a surprised bark of laughter. You froze in your chair, staring at him wide-eyed as the teacher shot Oikawa a warning look. Rolling his eyes, Oikawa stuck his tongue out at their back. You were smiling when he looked back at you, a warm genuineness behind the look that left his tongue stuck to the roof of his mouth.

You looked away first – back at the work on your desk– leaving him floundering. Oikawa peeked at you several times throughout the rest of class hoping to meet your gaze again, but you never looked back.


A week later you were standing in the gym talking to Iwaizumi before practice started. He took a slip of paper from your hand and said something gloomily, an annoyed look on his face. You laughed, the peal of laughter drawing the interest of everyone else in the gymnasium, but you didn't acknowledge or seem to notice the attention you had drawn. Your hand pointed to something on the paper, and your reply left Iwaizumi nodding in agreement.

Oikawa perked up as you waved goodbye to the dark-haired boy and started walking towards the door – exactly where he was standing. Thinking of something to say, Oikawa spun the volleyball in his hands, a lazy smirk on his face as your path led you closer and closer to him. Your eyes glanced up to meet his and you smiled at him – the one he remembered from class – and merely breezed right by him.

Oikawa was left floundering again, the volleyball still turning in his hands, staring after your figure in surprise. He didn't notice Iwaizumi next to him until he heard him chuckle lowly. Iwaizumi patted his friend's shoulder, "She's not one of your fangirls, Oikawa, don't expect her to bow to your every whim."

"I just wanted to say she looked nice today," Oikawa replied, his eyes narrowing slightly. He didn't expect that.

Iwaizumi just shook his head. "She's a genuinely good person. Plus, she's my partner on a project so please don't make it awkward."

He turned back to the court, leaving Oikawa staring after you. A muscle in his jaw ticked, he just wanted you to talk to him. What did he need to do to get your attention?


Had he ever seen you at one of their games before? Oikawa was certain he hadn't. But there you were, sitting in the student fan section. During warm-up he found his gaze wandering over to you consistently, hoping you would notice him. You didn't.

Iwaizumi eventually noticed where his attention was going and smacked the back of his head.

"Not the hair!" Oikawa groaned, sulkily patting down his hair with a pout.

"Win this game and then go talk to your crush."

"I don't have a crush, Iwa-chan!" Oikawa sputtered, nearly dropping a volleyball.

"Whatever you say, Shittykawa," Iwaizumi said mildly, lining up on the end line as rest of the team prepared to serve, "just remember what I said."

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