When they realized they have a crush - ts, ku, & oi

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tsukishima kei, kuroo tetsurō, & oikawa tōru x gn reader

genre: fluff

warnings: tsukishima's is post time-skip

word count: 890


He knew who you were.

Not your name, but if someone described you, he would know the reference. After all, you were a regular on the same train he took home from class every day. You were just strangers who got off on the same stop. No words were ever spoken but an awareness existed between you and him – a familiarity of sorts.

Just strangers, Tsukishima reminded himself as the train rumbled along, ignoring how many times his eyes wandered to your seat each day, how often he wondered what music was playing through your earbuds, or what colors hid beneath your lashes—

Your eyes flash up from your phone, clashing with his gaze with a force so intense Tsukishima found himself physically stepping backwards. Mentally kicking himself, he ripped his gaze away from you and towards the doors, hoping they would open up and he could escape the tension hanging in the train car.

The train began to slow down; the name of the next stop crossed the screen and he let out a breath of relief – it was his stop. The doors opened automatically, and he strides out, forgetting in his haste it was not only his stop. He noticed you coming out of the corner of his eye too late, not quick enough to stop his trajectory before you crash into his chest in your own rush to leave. You and he stumble into the station, his large hands reaching out for your shoulders reflexively, preventing an embarrassing fall for the both of you. An awkward slew of apologies tumble into the air from both parties while he sorts out which limbs are yours and which are his own.

Music blares from his pocket into the quiet train station, only contributing to the confusion. Tsukishima flushes red, ripping his phone out of his pocket and hitting pause with another muttered apology. His headphones dangle uselessly around his neck, disconnected in the collision.

You stare at him blankly for a second, the blush creeping further up his neck when suddenly you burst into laughter. Pulling out your own phone, you disconnect your earbuds and press play. After a split second of silence, music floats through the station again... It was the same song – the same song he had been listening to all day. You begin to laugh again – the ridiculousness of the moment striking you all at once. Tsukishima found himself staring at you for the second time that night, but this time unable to tear his gaze away. The happiness written on your face – it was undeniable. Unable to stop it, a slow chuckle slips from him.

His brain vaguely registers the train pulling away in the distance, the din briefly covering the music and – to his annoyance – your laughter. But it did not seem to bother you, your shoulders still shaking from laughter. In any other circumstance, with anyone other than maybe you, he would already be halfway down the street with headphones on. But he left the headphones where they were at, his lips pulling into a smile for the first time that night.

That could wait.


"Sorry, what was your name again?"

Akaashi and Bokuto burst into giggles behind your back, ecstatic you were following their plan. After a few seconds of stunned silence, the team captain of Nekoma splutters his name, his jaw dropping to the floor as you shake his hand with a firm grip and pleasant smile.

"Nice to meet you, Kuroo Tetsurō," You say politely, brushing passed him to enter the gym.

Bokuto stepped onto the steps next to Kuroo, gently lifting his friend's jaw from the floor. "Maybe Karasuno will get jealous of our manager now," Bokuto said, sighing dramatically. Akaashi rolled his eyes, shaking his head at his two spiky-haired friends.

Kuroo failed to respond, his eyes tracking your movement through the gym. He did not know what it was – what about you drained his confidence and left him in a puddle on the floor. It could be the way your eyes lit up around your friends, your laugh every time Bokuto cracked a dumb joke, or a million other facets he was starting to see.

The sound of balls hitting the gym floor drew his attention back down to Earth. You were tossing balls for Akaashi to set, Bokuto cheering you on in the background. After a minute, the horned owl bastard began eagerly pacing to hit, yelling at Kuroo to 'get his butt on the court.' It drew your attention, your gaze focusing on Kuroo as he jogged into the court. He smirked at you, reveling in the small blush you ducked your head to hide.

He forced himself to clear his head, preparing himself for individual practice after a long day of camp. But his eyes wandered back over to you, a small smile curling at his lips unconsciously at the adorable amount of focus on your face.

Whatever you were doing to him he wanted to experience it again.


Oikawa turned his attention from his nephew for a few seconds – not even a minute – and Takeru was gone. Vanished somewhere in the mob of people flowing around him. Cursing, the setter spun on the spot, using his height to search the crowd for a certain brown-haired kid.


Another person was searching for someone in the dense crowd it seemed.

"Damn it," Oikawa muttered out loud. His relatives were going to kill him. This was it; he died tonight.

"Are you Tōru?"

Oikawa's spine tightened, his feet pivoting his body. Oh no, let Takeru be okay—

"Sorry!" You apologized, gentle smile easing the tension from his body. "I didn't mean to worry you, but Takeru said to look for a guy wearing Aoba Johsai colors." Meeting his uncle's gaze, Takeru's eyebrows moved suggestively. The little brat grinned widely, obviously thrilled to be found by such an attractive person.

Oikawa lips quirked, his mouth twisting into a charming smile when a ray of sunlight pierced through the clouds, kissing your lovely features. The shadow of a nearby tree danced dappled light across your strands of hair, the color of your eyes animated by the sun's glow. Oikawa blinked in shock; his mind was whirring at a thousand miles per hour, but for some reason his mouth refused to open and communicate.

"Umm..." You shuffled awkwardly, glancing between Takeru and him. "I will, uh, just leave you two then."

Oikawa gathered enough sense to say goodbye, his heart thundering loudly in his ears when you smile over your shoulder at him, waving as you disappear into the crowd.

Takeru nudged his arm, drawing him out of his stunned phase. "You're welcome."

"Shut up."

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