When they realize they have a crush - te, bo, & ak

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tendō satori, bokutō kōtarō, akaashi keiji x gn reader

genre: fluff

warnings: akaashi's is post high-school

word count: 1103

Tendō :

Something is off this game and he knows it. His mind would not focus, resulting in slow reaction times, unconnected blocks, and messy plays. But he would get over it – just like everything else. Even when Wakatoshi-kun pulled him aside and bluntly asked if there was something wrong, he just laughed and brushed the team captain's concerned hand away. It would pass.

But now, standing on the sidelines an entire game later, he was starting to wonder if he was just lying to himself or completely blind. Tendou stared down at his hands, fidgeting with the tape wrapped around his fingers. Annoyance coated the edges of his vision.


His head shot up at the sound of the team manager's voice, quickly plastering on a smirk at the sight of you. You handed out water while weaving through his teammates; your eyes set on him in determination. His resolve reinforced itself – you of all people could not see him struggle. He widened his smirk, relying on his dependable humor to hide the inner turmoil. You stopped in front of him, draping a towel over one of his shoulders. You held your last water bottle in his direction, gazing at him expectantly.

"Aww, Y/N, a water bottle? Just for me?" He teased, making a show of looking around himself in mock surprise.

Your eyes rolled; the limit of your patience reached. Reaching out, you gently grabbed one of his hands and wrapped his long fingers around the bottle forcing him to hold it or spill it. Tendou froze stiff, it may have been just his active imagination, but he swore there was a spark when your fingertips brushed his.

He briefly wondered if he was about to be murdered by all the jealous first-year players who were crushing on you.

You elbowed his arm gently, your mouth opening but your words cut off by the referee's whistle. It drew his attention away for an only a second, his eyes snapping back to you as you began to speak, "I don't like this sort of quiet from you, Tendou."


Even as Shirabu started to drag him to the court, he kept his gaze locked on yours in shock. Your words had stunned him to his core; you had so many people around you, he never expected you to care about him. He was a nobody on a team with Ushijima and Goshiki; they deserved your attention more than him.

But it was not only your comment that had him floored, it was the tune – a familiar tune – you were humming.

Stumbling to a stop as the copper-haired setter deposited him in front of the net, he stared down at the other team, a real smirk creeping across his face.

"Baki baki."

Bokuto :

It was raining on his last day of high school.

How poetic.

He gazed through the glass door, wondering how the last few years had gone by so quickly. Well, at least volleyball had passed by in a blur, the academic part not so much. It had snuck up behind him, moving too rapidly for him to notice. His future was right around the corner and he definitely knew what he wanted, he just did not how to get there. Was it possible to skip to the finale?

His mood echoed the miserable weather, his hair wilting under the gloom. Bokuto glared at the puddle right outside the door, already annoyed at the prospect of wet socks. Today really was not his day.

Suddenly the door next to him flew open, someone dashing through the opening and out into the downpour. Torn from his daydream, he stared after you in surprise – where were you going in such a rush? And while it was raining?

He hoped you knew the parking lot and bus stop both lay in the opposite direction. And why were you not opening your umbrella? Did you even have an umbrella—

His train of thought cut off as you halted in the middle of the sidewalk, your shoes half-submerged in a puddle. Honestly, where were you going? Did you even have a destination?

You raised your palms, your head tilting to the clouds. Rain glided over your exposed skin, the light refracting through the beads of water turning you into a serene deity in Bokuto's eyes. The sight paralleled a scene directly from a movie – you were the main character enjoying the journey instead of worrying about the next scene.

He opened the door and stepped out into the rain.

Whatever the future held for him, maybe the journey did not have to be so terrifying.

Akaashi :

He should not be jealous, he knew that. This was not a date it was a group outing. He had brought you along as a friend to the carnival because he knew his friends would love you. He put himself in the friend-zone all those months ago, so why was it so difficult watching you walk arm in arm with Bokuto-san?

Sighing in frustration, he trailed after his best friend and neighbor-become-friend. At least he was right about everyone adoring you.

The group separated as the hours progressed, and soon the three of you were by yourselves. Even without them though, you and Bokuto got into plenty of trouble. He had to escort Bokuto and you away after you were banned from a ride, and honestly, he did not know how you could afford that much food and souvenirs.

The night was full of laughter and memories for him, but it was getting harder and harder to ignore the way your face lit up at Bokuto's jokes, your laugh as Bokuto dragged you from colorful booth to booth, or the dance of the carnival lights across your features.

You glanced up at him and he quickly pulled his gaze away. A blush creeped up his neck; he had been staring for too long. He glared in the direction Bokuto had disappeared on his search for a restroom. Why did Bokuto have to leave him alone with Y/N today.

"Hey, Keiji!" You called out to him, drawing his attention back to you. "Look at the owl!"

He followed your finger, finding a massive owl hanging from the ceiling of the stand. It was easily the largest stuffed animal Akaashi had ever seen, and it looked to be the last one left.

"I'm going to win it for us," you promised, offering the booth attendant a wad of tickets.

Akaashi stared at you, at the determination on your face, and he decided he liked the way you said us.

Haikyuu Imagines, Headcanons, & DrabblesOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz