Early Mornings part two - kenma

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genre: mostly angst, a scattering of fluff

warnings: some swearing

word count: 1551

Inuoka chatted away in the seat next to me and normally I wouldn't mind, but my mind was somewhere else. Six seats in front of me to be exact.

I exhaled slowly, leaning my head on my hand. Nekoma played one of its best games of the season tonight, and instead of taking notes all I could think about was Kenma's eyes when he gently woke me up and how awful I must have looked. Waking up on Kenma's shoulder had been simultaneously the greatest and most awkward moment of my entire life. Ever since being woken up, I had been avoiding looking at both Kenma and Kuroo. I just knew Kuroo would say something humiliating.

"Y/N, if you take any longer, I will lock you in the bus."

My head shot up at the sound of Kuroo's voice, my eyes narrowing as I noticed the conspiratorial look in his eyes. Glancing out the window, I realized the rest of the team were already off the bus unloading and we were the last three. Crap, I should have been paying more attention. I looked back at Kuroo and traced his arm to where it was resting on Kenma's shoulder and stole a glance at the blond-haired boy I had been avoiding all night. He looked bored and annoyed that Kuroo was stopping him from leaving the bus.


I took my time gathering my things and wandering down the aisle, but Kuroo waited patiently for me to join them by the door. A thousand different excuses ran through my head as I glared at Kuroo, but the team captain just kept smirking at me. He was not going to let me by, he had known about my crush on Kenma from the very beginning. But why did he have to do something about it now.

"Kenma has something to ask you, Y/N."

His stupid smirk is so wide I don't know how he can even speak right now.

"I do?"

Kuroo looked down at him expectantly.

"Fine. Kuroo wants to know if you will play games with us tomorrow," he sighed, rolling his eyes.

Well. This was not the turn of events I was expecting. What was Kuroo trying to do? This wasn't knew, I had played games with them before online.

"You want me... to play games?" I repeated slowly, raising an eyebrow at Kuroo.

Kenma shrugged his shoulders, hiding behind his hair.

"What he forgot to add was the in-person part," Kuroo explained, throwing a shit-eating grin at me. Oh, that's where he's trying to go with this.

"And you're going to be there with us too?" I directed my question at Kuroo this time.

"Yep, I'll be playing." The team captain agreed, nodding his head animatedly.

I was tentative to agree, but I also was tempted to see what Kuroo was up to. "Sure, I guess. Text me the address?"

"I will!" Kuroo beamed, standing up straight and releasing his hold on Kenma's shoulder. The blond muttered 'goodbye,' and took the opportunity to duck around his friend and escape into the night.

I crossed my arms, narrowing my eyes at the dark-haired boy left in front of me. "Tetsuro—" He slowly backed away from me, running down the steps as I chased after him.


"I'll talk to you tomorrow!" Kuroo called over his shoulder, running after his friend, leaving me to stand by the bus. That sneaky, cowardly, narcissistic—

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