When they realize they are in love - ke, at, & sa

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kenma kozume, miya atsumu, sakusa kiyoomi x gn reader

genre: fluff

warnings: kenma & atsumu's are post time-skip, mentions of a broken ankle, & kenma's got a little bit steamy if you blink hard enough

word count: 1114

Kenma :

There was a time you would have had to drag him out of the house to a formal restaurant by his ears. But not night. Tonight, he was the first one to the door.

He was also never one to get anxious about business, but the meeting was important for the future of his company and his fingers would not stop tapping. He knew better than to fidget with his clothes – he did not want to suffer another one of your glares – however much his fingers itched to adjust his collar.

Speaking of you, you were not helping his nerves with the way you looked tonight. On hindsight, he should never have bought that outfit for you – it was dangerous. He found his gaze lingering on you the entire night and he knew he was not the only one.

"May I have this dance?"

You looked over your shoulder in surprise, a smile tugging at your lips when you realized it was him. You placed your hand in his, letting him pull you out of the crowd and to the dance floor. The lights above were dimmed and without the chatter of patrons the soothing instrumental music was easier to hear. He pulled you close, resting his hands on your hips. You began to sway gently, and he gave you a grateful look – he was not a dancer and you knew it. But he would do this for you. You began humming to the music softly, hands finding their way to his neck where the pads of your fingers traced shapes on the sensitive skin.

"Thank you for supporting me," He blurted suddenly, tightening his grip when you pulled back slightly.

Your eyebrow raised in shock, to his disappointment your fingers halted their movement. "Of course, but it didn't seem like you needed it tonight."

"Not just tonight."

You held his gaze steadily, smiling fondly. Emotion whirled through your eyes, his heart pounding in his ears. Your fingers traced upwards, tugging softly on his hair until the bun he had hurriedly thrown together a few hours before came undone, his hair falling to frame his face. Brushing it behind his ears, you cupped his jaw carefully with both hands, scanning his face like you were committing it to memory.

"You are worthy of everything I could ever give." You said affectionately, sealing your words with a gentle kiss.

He did not let you go far, tugging you back for another kiss. Everyone else could look, he was the only one you were going home with.

Atsumu :

There was a moment while he was in the air, only a split second before his feet would touch back to earth, when his gut tightened, and he knew something was wrong. He was too close to the net; the other team was right there—

Blinding pain. Atsumu collapsed to the floor with a yelp, hands clutching his ankle. Play on the court came to an immediate stop, the referee blew his whistle, and sounds of shock echoed throughout the stadium. But none of it registered in his mind as the team medic rushed towards him.

"Can you move?"

Atsumu shook his head, clenching his teeth harshly as agony rippled through his nervous system. "I think it's broken," he hissed. The medic nodded in agreement after scanning his foot and waved for the stretcher to be brought over.

Hands gripped his body, his teammates helping the medics move him onto the stretcher. Normally the silence of the gym – even the announcer was quiet – would cause some embarrassment, but the stretcher lurched upwards and it took all of Atsumu's focus to hang onto consciousness.

The medics began speaking in hushed tones around him, but all he could hear was the buzz of the fluorescent lights. They did their best to make the trip as smooth as possible, but with each jolt?? The muscles in his jaw wound tighter and tighter.


Your voice broke through the haze.

"Y/N?" He questioned, turning his neck, but he could not see you around the medics. Out of his sight range you were there, running down the hallway, the lanyard around your neck bouncing with every footfall.

"Atsumu!" You sounded closer.

And then you were grabbing his hand and he held on like his life depended on it.

"I'm here, 'Tsumu."

"Y/N," he croaked, "I can't — I can't play—"

You hushed him, kissing away a tear he did not even realized had escaped. "But you'll make it through."

He pressed a kiss to the back of your hand, holding it against his face. "Thank you."

Because he could. He could make it through if you were here.

Sakusa :

"Happy birthday, Kiyoomi." A cupcake lay cupped in your hands, the flickering light of the candle dancing across your smile.

He blew out the flame, leaning across the blanket to press a swift kiss to your lips. He leaned his head on your shoulder, shuffling closer to your body heat. "Thank you, Y/N," he murmured, gently setting the cupcake aside. He would eat it later; for now, he was enjoying your presence.

You hummed happily, resting your head on top of his, wrapping both hands around his. Sakusa let out a soft sigh, playfully tangling his fingers with yours. He did not want to seem ungrateful, he appreciated everything you did for him more than you would ever know.

He got lucky with you and he knew it. Not once during your relationship did you press him to go outside when he did not want to or talk to people when he felt uncomfortable and you wore your mask around him religiously. He admired how you adjusted to his lifestyle while still being you. He had come to adore everything he learned about you and the way you filled his life. If you ever left. he knew there would be an empty void left in the shape of you. He had fallen in love with you fast, but that was a fact admitted only behind closed doors.

Tonight was just another reminder. On his birthday when most couples would have gone out somewhere fancy, you had taken him to a charming park. Guided by the light of a flashlight, you unfurled the blankets in the perfect spot for stargazing, and while unloading his and your favorite snacks you gave him your own rendition of the happy birthday song.

He grasped your hands tightly, watching the way your face light up as you pointed out a shape you saw in the stars.

Maybe it was time those closed doors opened. 

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