They whimpered in fear of nothing going wrong and returning to the bunker safely. I let the girls drop back to their knees still holding my gun to their heads as Harry keeps his positions

"So if I let your wifey and kids go, they'll let me go? Because I'm fine with killing her and them right now." Harry says and Mr. Mansa pleads.

"No! They were given direct orders. Not harm will come to you." He says.

I lower my guns on the sisters before looking to Harry. I sigh as he drops his knife as well letting it land near the wife. He nods over to the sub as we quickly walk away from the girls and to the entry way where Jane waited to help us get inside.

"Good doing business with you." Harry says and hangs up the phone throwing it into the ocean before I boarded in front of him.

I turned back to grab his hand and help him down when I heard a piercing sound as Harry froze. I frown looking up at him wondering why he wasn't moving. Suddenly I could see blood slowly start to pour from his abdomen and my eyes widen.

In my shocked state Harry soon fell in my arms as something poked me through him.

It was Harry's knife.

Through my watery eyes the crew rushes around me to grab Harry from my arms. The world felt like it was going on slow motion and it was silent. Sooner or later sadness quickly turned into fueling rage.

Being covered in Harry's blood I grabbed both of my guns I stick my head out to see Mariah smiling deviously at the sub looking the barrel of both my guns.

Without thinking I empty both guns shooting at her. I couldn't hear anything besides my screams of pain as I shot multiple shots through her.

Before anyone could counter attack I dropped down into the sub when quickly the locked and sealed the door shut while I dropped down to Harry's side throwing my guns to the side.

I watched over the medical team immeadiately go to work on him. He was gasping for air as the medic placed a breathing machine over her pumping it manually while the others tried to remove the knife and stop the bleeding.

"I need to assess whether the knife punctured any vital organs! Harry can you breath?" Harry nods quickly with wide eyes as he forces his self to breath.

"This is gonna hurt but I have to stop the bleeding." The doctor takes gauze and places harsh pressure making Harry yell out. Gripping the nurses arm. Once he got minimal bleeding from Harry he used a needle and stitched Harry up as another doctor inserted a IV in his arm.

My heart was beating so fast I was breathing like I had ran a marathon. I didn't protect him. I should've made him go first. He could die if he doesn't get any better.

"I haven't seen any signs of fatality so I believe it's okay." The doctor says as he finished up stitching Harry. It seemed almost instant once the medicine flooded his bloodstream he started to relax more. Almost like he was falling asleep.

From where I was sitting I let my hand caress his face pushing his hair out of his face. I watch under my touch he relaxed even more.

"Don't give up on me now." He says grunting as the doctors rush to wrap his wound so they could stop anymore bleeding.

"I'm not giving up. I won't ever give up on you, Harry." I say. I watch him weakly smile before a nurse placed stickers on his chest which lit up a portable monitor that showed his heart rate and pressure.

"So we quickly assessed that the wound missed vital organs and won't require emergency surgery. Nonetheless he's out of this battle." The doctor say and Harry chuckles lightly.

"Doc, there is no battle." Harry says clutching his fist as if I didn't empty both of my gun into Malcom Mansa's wife and possibly hitting his daughters in the process. We were far from over.

The war probably had just begun.

"Uh babe, I don't think it's over." I say breathing out as the tank shook violently. I scramble to find something to stabilize myself while everyone pretty much fell.

I reached over quickly pulling Harry and the medics to a corner. I shook my head looking for the problem and there it was. Two machines underwater with people shooting at us.

"What the hell is going on?" Harry asks around and I see the team readying their own weapons.

"Okay so after Ms. Mansa stabbed you I kinda killed her." I say and Harry's eyes widen

"Niall you fucking Id-" I cut him off.

"I was angry and hurt how we spared her stupid life and she still tried to kill you. Besides Malcolm probably already signed the treaty so it's law. He can't retaliate. I doubt he even knows." I say uneasily and Harry frowns before pointing to the front window where we seen subs chasing us.

"That wouldn't be happening if you didn't kill her. Now we might all die in this submarine. Oh thank you Niall. Everyone let's thank Niall!" Harry says trying to reach up and clap his hand but wincing in pain.

"Harry stay still." The doctor says.

"Maybe if you didn't get stabbed I wouldn't have killed her." I yell.

"Wait so I made her stab me? Niall listen to your-" was soon interrupted by a loud sound of our sub sending a missile. We turn to window and see it striking the machine causing a huge explosion underwater making us go back a few miles grabbing into whatever we could.

We were all screaming and I'm pretty sure Harry was screaming in pain as the doctor scrambled to ease his pain.

"Just get me back home." Harry says looking away from me.

I knew he was angry. I ruined his plan and now he has to try a fight a battle that should've ended while wounded.

Everytime I try to protect Harry I seem to mess all of it up one way or another.

I'm no good to be his husband.

I look down at him and see as he makes it obviously he doesn't want to even look at me.

What should I do now?


Happy New Years !

It's been awhile but I'm finishing strong I promise. Besides I have to put out Bates Lane sequel

Oh yeah did I tell you guys I'm making a sequel

The storyline is so good. I'm almost convinced it'll be better than the original.

Okay guys Have a great new year, let's make 2021 bearable. Wear yourself masks, stay warm.

Love and kisses;)

Free Spirit // Narry AUWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt