Chapter 4

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Chapter Four

It had been a long night before i finally was able to get some sleep. Well after I taught Harry to meditate even tho he ended up falling asleep, He got his lip piercing and a cooked meal later we were finally off to bed. After I did my rounds around the house I went to bed around midnight.

Again this morning at 6 AM I started my day with a coffee and plain bagel. After that I took a shower and decided to wake Harry so he can get ready for his 8 am classes.

I got dressed in the usual. Black fitted tee, black jeans and docs. I walked down the hall to his room and peaked through the door. His tall body could barely fit in the full sized bed so you could see his legs slightly hanging off the bed with tattoos, his arms hanging off the bed grazing the floor and his hair covering his face as he slobbered on his pillow.

"Your highness!" I say knocking on the door and walk inside and turning on the lights.

He shields himself from the light and groans sitting up leaning on his other arm. He let his hair hang in his face as he sat there collecting himself.

He turns to his nightstand and pushes his hair out his face before his eyes widen at the time.

"Niall, what the fuck. It's 6 in the morning why the fuck are you waking me up?" He groans out in his raspy morning voice.

"You have a 8 am class." I say and lean against the door frame looking down at the clock.

"Who signed me up for this early ass class?" He groans leaning back further on his elbows.

"You did when you were flirting with a 50 year old woman." I tell him. He pushed the curls out his face as he looks up to ceiling slightly smiling.

"Diane, Diane." He says airily as he stares out not moving from his spot.

"Chop chop! You need to get dressed!" I say clapping hands louder making him snap out of his trance of his crush before he finally sits all the way up to reveal the other tattoos he had on his torso.

They actually look pretty cool.

"Okay! I heard you geez." He gets up from his spot in the bed wearing nothing but black boxers. When I noticed I shielded my eyes turning away and making Harry cackle at my response.

"Hey! It's okay to stare, Horan." He teases me.

"Go relieve yourself. I'll be downstairs." I tell him without looking his way and quickly close his door. I sigh finally getting outside to quiet again when I seen Amanda coming towards me. She had Harry's entire school uniform pressed and folded neatly in one hand and his breakfast in the other.

Where do I get an Amanda?

I walk further down the hall and waited in the living area for him to get ready. I spent my time aimlessly scrolling through my phone and then taking my gun apart and then putting it back together. By time I was going for my fourth time Harry came downstairs.

"Amanda please just make my coffee pls. With foam and extra caramel drizzle." He says and I turn to look at him wearing the sweater vest over a collared shirt and slacks.

He looked at me with a scowl. I knew he hated his uniform and honestly I was enjoying every minute of his misery.

"You look very sharp. I wish I could dress that well." I say taunting him. He frowns and starts to say something when I heard Amanda walk in with his finished drink.

Free Spirit // Narry AUWhere stories live. Discover now