Chapter 3

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Chapter three

"I have officially decided I'm not going to college." I hear Harry tell me first thing that next morning.

I woke up around 5 AM to do a sweep around the house and look for anything out of the ordinary before I got ready and made myself breakfast. It was a protein shake and a granola bar. I also had the liberty to head out to the store and buy all my supplies I needed to surveillance the area.

Now I was finished setting them up when royal pain in my ass woke up. He waltz into the kitchen wearing silk pajama pants and a small gold chain. He looked well rested.

Never in my years of combat have ever been afraid of anyone more than I'm afraid of Harry. How can you get a good nights rest after every heinous thing you've done?

"What do you mean you're not going?" I ask him and he shrugs before yawning and pushing his wild curls out his face. He looked more relaxed and laid back than ever.

"I mean the whole systematic thing of going to school sound so tiring. I have riches for generations to come and I don't need a college education. Besides I don't exactly have the temper." He says now rummaging through the fridge trying to find something to eat.

"No. You're parents specifically instructed that you enroll in Stanford and live a normal college student life." I say stepping down from the chair I stood in to fix up the security camera. I turn to look at him pull out a cart of yogurt I bought this morning.

"Yknow, Niall you have a weird taste in food." He says taking a spoon from the cabinet and shoving it in. "But seriously my life is nowhere near normal anyway. Remember I'm a mafia brat so you say- god this is disgusting yuck! Amanda!" He yells out spitting out the vanilla flavored Greek yogurt and throwing the rest in the sink.

I sigh heavily and pinch my nose in aggravation.

"Yes Harry?" She asks appearing with her expressionless face again and calm state.

"Do you think you can whip up something nice for me and my friend here." Harry says and walks over across from to sit at the table. He leans back in the chair leans his head on his hand. Amanda began taking out pots and pans to cook something.

"Harry seriously. I was hired to do a job." I groan running a hand through my blonde quiff not understanding why Harry insisted on making my job harder.

"And your job is to protect me. Not be my daddy." He smirks at me. I look at him as he smiles deviously as his green eyes taunt me.

Why is he so... yknow. Why is he making my life hard?

"Besides. I was thinking about getting a piercing today. Should I go with the lip or nose?" Harry says picking up the table knife and looking at his reflection in the blade.

"I've already spoke with the admissions officer. You're going to school and that's final." I say letting my voice raise as I got stern with Harry.

Sometime soon someone would have to show him he doesn't run the show 24/7. He's not going to boss me around. He going to stay in line or die. His choice.

He looks at me as if he wanted me to crack under his gaze. He gazed at me as if he wanted to snap my neck but I wasn't fazed by the psychopathic monster who was oddly attractive.

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