Chapter 21

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Chapter twenty-one

It's been a couple of days of us doing relentless work to get Safaa close with Mani Mansa and it has absolutely stressed us all out. I spent days emailing the Styles who are going in hiding due to the fact Anne is pregnant and all the while protecting a feisty small girl and a even more psychotic man.

Oh yeah,  that's my man.

I was awoke at 6 am like usual with Harry cuddling in my arms in my bed. For some reason he was always in my room as if his didn't exist. I mean I get we fell asleep meditating and talking but it almost seems like he lives with me.

And he's been living with me for a month now but it feels like everywhere I go, he's there. It isn't annoying but it's like different from before. Harry never really cared to be around me in the beginning and I didn't either.

I love it actually.

I try to get from under Harry's grasp as he perches his head up from being moved. I sigh and move out of the bed stretching.

"What time is it?" He groans wiping his eyes and yawning.

"It's early. You don't have to be up right now." I say and he slowly lowers himself down into my empty spot on the bed and I watch him sink back into slumber.

I go over to my closet and start to get dressed before washing up and heading down to the living room to do my rounds when I was greeted by Safaa in the living room.

"Hey, did Liam forget to tuck you in last night?" I ask her and she shrugs her shoulders.

"No. He's been leaving the handcuffs off and my door unlocked at night. I got up to pray before sunrise and eat breakfast." She explains flipping through some book she was reading. I shrug before turning on the tv and flipping it to the surveillance cameras.

"How could you like Harry?" I hear her ask. I froze before turning to see her looking up at me with curious eyes.

"Excuse me?"

"How could you like Harry? I mean he isn't the worst person but he's also not a good person." She says and my arms fall to my sides as I push them into my pockets.

"Well, for one I really don't owe you an explanation." I say and she closes her book to focus on me.

"And two, You don't know anything about Harry." I say folding my arms now looking at her stern.

"Well you clearly don't either. It's been almost a month of you working for him and you guys are sleeping in each other's beds." She scoffs before scratching her head.

"I know my client. I've been around him 24/7. And quite frankly you're just speaking from bad experience. Maybe if you'd just actually pay attention you'd see who he really is." I snap at her making her fall back.

"Harry may kill for fun but he developed that habit solely from his parents who forced him into a business he never wanted to be in. He was trained and he's been executing it. You think he wants bad guys tracking him down day in and out because of his parents gang affiliations? Harry deals with actual shit and sometimes people hide behind shitty personalities to cope! He doesn't owe you sht. He spares your life everyday that you live here and Liam and I vouch for it everyday. I understand he killed your brother but damnit Safaa, check your attitude at the door." I snap before pointing my finger to stairs before I heard footsteps.

"No. Let her speak." I hear a deep British voice say before I look to the steps to see my sleep deprived boyfriend at the door of the stairs in black shorts with no shirt revealing his many tattoos while holding his hand behind his back.

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