Chapter 32

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Chapter Thirty-two

We arrived back to Harry's estate when the doctors had patched Harry up enough to get him transported to the medical team in his mother's bunker.

I used the radio to talk with Mr. Styles and he told us that Malcolm hasn't received any news about his wife being deceased so we were in the clear long enough to get a signature from him so right now as long as Malcolm left the island not knowing we were clear.

Harry of course was happy with that news but he wasn't speaking with me of course. I helped everyone out the sub and the doctors made sure Harry got out as painless as possible. He steps foot on the boardwalk and he grunts in pain as he holds his stomach.

He takes a look over to me and then away from me. I take the initiative to go to his side and place my arm underneath his and help him.

"Niall. I'm not mad." Harry says after a long moment of silence. I look over to him before I see him staring down.

"How come?" I ask as I walked him over to a wheelchair some staff had pulled out aside for him. I help him sink down into the seat before he gazes up at me.

"Because I would've done the same if not worse." He says and before the doctors rolled him away he grabs my hand and using his thumb to run over my ring.

"Thank you, my love. My knight in shining armor." He smiles at me before I felt my heart flutter.

Harry thinks I protected him. That's all I had wanted to do. I just want him alive and well away from this mafia life. I do want a house on an island with a bunch of kittens and Harry for the rest of my life.

"Okay. Follow us, we're going to the war room." A guard approached us making every doctor and I follow Harry in the wheelchair to the war room.

Once we reached the main house I seen that the army was standing on guard at the front door. Probably ensuring that no one could come in and harm my father. The guard walks up and shows the situation and he lets us past.

I take Harry's side lifting him out the chair and walking him up the steps carefully trying not be turned on but his moans and grunts because he was in pain.

They finally make it inside and Louis sat at the counter filing his nails leaning against the bar counter.

"God someone remind me to get a new butler!" Harry says before taking one of his holsters and throwing it at Louis.

Louis pauses and catches it before he grins.

"You're stuck with me, Styles. I signed a contract." He says making cry out loud.

"Why is the world so cruel?!" He says and then plants his face in the crook of my neck being dramatic.

I mean war world three is on his doorsteps and he expected Louis to still be working instead of hiding for a chance of survival? Sometimes I don't get my spoiled boyfriend.

"Watch yourself. You leaning on the wound." I say and he straightens up to finish walking to the war room. Once we got down the hall we had reached it being guarded by more guards.

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