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The two men spent the upcoming weeks together in Buenos Aires. Avi showed him around, took him to different markets, allowed him to be around whenever he was brewing potions. They fell asleep together, woke up in each other's arms and Scott noticed that the bearded man seemed to relax in his presence. 

"Avi? We have to talk about the time after the summer break" Scott said one evening as he sliced a chunk of watermelon they had picked up. "I have to go back to Hogwarts soon and it'll be hard to visit you. Just getting here by plane would take me hours and it's too far to apparate." 

"Yeah, I know." The bass had left the shower a few minutes prior and hand entered the spacious living room in just a pair of shorts with his damp curls resting on his pale shoulders. He pulled a shirt over his head and slipped through the sleeves. "I have been thinking about moving but- I don't know, not to England. Not Europe, not yet. Too close to Bulgaria." He walked around the island and reached for a knife to help Scott with the melon.

"I could take a portkey." 

"Still, traveling by portkey isn't easy on the body. Especially not regularly." 

"Oh, but apparating across continents is?"

Avi snorted and then couldn't wipe the grin off his lips. "Yeah. Just be prepared for some...visual changes and possible death." 

The baritone let go of his knife and wrapped his arms around Avi's torso before he pressed a soft kiss against the top of his head. "You stay where you feel good, Avi. Highest priority. And I will figure out how to visit you. Maybe not every weekend but at least once a month. And we can spend the holidays together." 

"In Norway?"

Scott shrugged. "Wherever you want. Alaska, Hawaii, Argentina, New Zealand, Japan. I don't care, I'll be there."

"Thank you" the bearded man mumbled and looked up to Scott. He stretched just enough to press his lips against Scott's before he focused back on cutting up the fruit. "I really appreciate it." 

He beamed and hugged Avi a little tighter before letting go again to fetch two forks. "You're welcome!"

The end of August was approaching, which also meant that Scott had to leave soon to return to Hogwarts. Avi had paid for his flight and even though Scott didn't want to travel back home he was aware that his boyfriend was in a much more stable mental state and he wouldn't have to worry about him too much. Still, packing his bag was something he rushed through and then he joined the smaller man in bed. 

Much to Scott's surprise Avi wasn't wearing a shirt and even allowed Scott without flinching to trace the pale scars on his back before pressing a soft kiss against his shoulder blade. "What are you reading?" he asked and settled behind him. 

"Oh, just some light reading. Alchemy." 

"Uh huh. Sure looks like light reading to me." He took the book out of Avi's hands and then, using both hands, put it on the floor next to the bed. "No more reading. More cuddles. It's my last day here, I expect to get all of your attention." 

Avriel chuckled lightly before he turned and inched closer against Scott's chest. "I'm right here and fully focused on you."

"Perfect. I can't believe summer is over already" the man mumbled and sighed softly. He pressed his lips against Avriel's forehead and then pulled back slowly. "Can't believe I won't be able to cuddle with you tomorrow evening." 

"I know. Sucks." Avi's hands found their way to Scott's chest and he rested them against the warm skin. "I'll miss you" the man mumbled and then kissed him. 

They spent the next half an hour making out and then — Scott grunted softly — he felt Avi's member against his thigh. He pulled away and couldn't help but notice the Potion Master's flushed cheeks, his messy hair and his parted lips as he was panting. 


"Please" he just mumbled and pressed his lips against Scott's again, gripped his arms. "Scott please." 

"What- Avi, what do you want?" Scott felt stupid for asking that question but then again he felt himself painfully hard and throbbing in his boxers. He wanted to be close to the other man, so badly, but he couldn't stop thinking about how fragile Avi's mental state still was. 

"Want you, so bad" the bearded man whispered and couldn't keep himself from pressing his hips against Scott's side. He was breathing heavily and moved his hands all over Scott's upper body. It felt like being on drugs, but better. He was obsessed with the feeling, obsessed with Scott's scent and his warmth, the way his strong body felt against his own. 

Scott hummed in agreement. "Want you too, Av. But- slow down, please. Deep breath. Don't want you to hyperventilate, okay?"

Avriel felt himself nodding, then he pulled away and flopped on his back onto the mattress. "Yeah. God, I- Merlin. Fuck." He covered his eyes with his arm and took a deep breath. 

"You good?"

"Mhm." After taking deep breaths the man turned his head to Scott and smiled lightly. "Sorry."

"No, don't be. Perfectly normal. I just want us to take it slow, okay? Like we agreed on. If we do more than just make out tonight I want to stick around tomorrow to make sure you're okay. Sometimes sex just- I just don't want you to freak out without me being here."

Avi tensed visibly for just a moment before he relaxed again. "Yeah. I understand. Can we still kiss?" 

"Kiss, touch, whatever."

"I wouldn't mind touching..." 

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