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Scott stayed away from Avi as much as Avi stayed away from Scott. They barely saw each other as Avi preferred to stay in the dungeons, but every now and then Kirstie told Scott what she had seen to calm him down whenever he seemed restless. However, her visions got more and more blurry until they disappeared and she tugged on his sleeve with his eyes wide.

"They're gone" she had whispered, still zoned out as she had tried to track Avi's aura, but it was nowhere to be found.

Right then Mitch stepped out of the fireplace and looked at Scott. Usually the man tried to avoid the floo network as he hated the ashes clinging to his clothes, but right now he didn't seem to care. "Scott" he said and sounded out of breath. "Avi isn't in the castle anymore. I heard Minerva talking about finding a replacement for him."

Scott frowned. "What?! Where is he?"

"I have no idea. Something must've happened, Newt is here."

"Newt Scamander?" Kirstie asked. "No way! Where? And why?"

Scott was unable to move. With Avi gone and Newt in the castle, most likely to have a look at the plant the Potion Master had grown, he had to make sure that Avi wouldn't be punished by keeping something as dangerous as the hybrid in the dungeons.

While Kirstie and Mitch still argued about Newt's appearance, Scott grabbed a handful of floo powder and said "Kevin's office." Minerva would be busy, the other teacher didn't care about Avi, and Kevin was his best chance to get some kind of information.

Kevin had made a cup of tea for them first and Scott had noticed how tired he looked. After the first few sips he finally spoke up.

"How much do you know?" Kevin asked and looked at him.

"Too much. The plant in the basement, his bite marks from feeding her. However, I don't know when he fed her the last time. He stayed with me after the dementor attack and a few days later just left, upset about me talking about a possible removal of the plant."

The wizard nodded and looked down at his mug. "He was sitting in the staff room yesterday, in the large chair in front of the fireplace. Didn't say anything. He didn't even read the newspaper and I got suspicious. Avi never sits there and just stares into the fire."

"Avi never sits in the staff room when he can avoid it."

"Correct. And it was just a regular Tuesday. He had this...this creepy smile on his lips. Scott, I could probably count on one hand how many time I've seen him smile since I met him. But he was- he was just smiling. Lightly, like Kirstie sometimes when she spaces out and thinks of baby animals or something." He wiped the edge of the mug after taking a sip. "When I got closer I noticed that Avi's clothes were soaked and his hands were shaking. Then he just slumped forward and hadn't I caught him he would've fallen to the floor."

Scott sat up slightly.

"Then Poppy was there. Someone must had gotten her. She cut off Avi's clothes and he was- he was just red, Scott. There was blood everywhere, his body was covered in bite marks and Avi had a seizure, probably due to the loss of blood. We held him down until Minerva showed up with healers from St. Mungo's."

"Kevin-" Scott cleared his throat and tried to calm himself. "Do you think he- he was sitting there so someone would find him? And take care of the wounds?"

"I don't know, Scott. After all these years I still have a hard time reading him. But maybe. I thought of that too. Did you know about the plant? In the dungeons?"

"Yes. But I promised him not to tell anyone about it. He allowed me to wrap the bite marks after feedings, but back then they were still smaller and easier to control. Is he in trouble? Did Minerva say anything?"

Kevin shrugged. "Probably not. She loves him, he's the most talented Potion Master she has ever came across and there are no rules against growing hybrids and keeping them in the castle."


The man chuckled softly. "Probably, yeah."

"You said it happened on Tuesday?"

"Yes. Tuesday evening. He has been cleared for visitors this morning, if you want to go and see him."

Scott exhaled. "So he is doing better."

"Scott- that's the thing with St. Mungo's. He might've been cleared for that but it doesn't mean anything. I don't know how things are at the moment, I haven't owled yet and the Headmistress didn't want to tell me how he is doing."

"I'll visit him. Is Newt taking the plant with him? Mitch told me he's here?"

Kevin shrugged again. "I don't know, but probably. He got here three hours ago. I wouldn't be surprised if he stays for a bit to figure out what to do with it. Oh, and Scott?" he asked once the Charms professor got up. "Please check on Winky. She hasn't stopped crying since Avi has left the castle. I think she needs a few words."

"Of course" the y'all baritone said immediately. "Thank you for being at the right place at the right time, Kevin. Without you Avi probably-" he stopped and took a deep, shaky breath. "Thank you" Scott mumbled again and left the office.

Outside he leaned against the cold stone wall and he felt his knees giving in. He slid down until he was on the floor and buried his face in his hands. A sob escaped him when he realized why Avi had been sitting in the staff room that Tuesday night.

He had made his way up to the tower and to the chair in front of the fireplace so he hadn't been by himself while he had been taking his last few breaths. He had not wanted to die alone in the dungeons and this thought alone ripped Scott's heart apart. He sobbed and screamed, gripped his hair to pull on it and squirmed as if a boulder was pushing him down while he tried to fight back to gain control again.

Kirstie's soft embrace helped him to calm down. It took minutes, but at some point he managed to take deeper breaths again and focused on the hug, the soft touch and his friend's gentle voice.

"Kirstie-" he choked and looked at her. "Tell me he's okay. Please. He can't die."

But the woman sighed softly and brushed his hair back. "I can't. I'm not seeing anything. He's too far away. Get up, Scott. We'll have tea, and then we will travel to London."

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