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Over the course of the next few weeks everyone was drowning in work. Kirstie, Mitch and Scott were stuck with preparing class and grading essays and homework while Avi spent more time brewing potions and taking care of his plants and magical creatures.

Scott saw him twice a week, mostly in Avi's office, to check the wounds, but that was it. They both didn't have time for a cup of tea, not until Avi's body forced him to slow down. It was October already, shortly before Halloween, and Monday evening again. The Charms teacher was waiting in his private rooms for his bearded friend but as the minutes went by and Avi wasn't showing up he made his way down to the dungeons, fully aware that it was one of the two feeding days. 

"Bowtruckle" he said and let himself in. "Avriel?" Scott looked around but couldn't find the wizard, neither sitting on the couch in front of the fireplace nor on his desk in the corner. His laboratory was empty, too, but when Scott noticed the drops of what seemed to be blood he quickly opened the door to the man's bedroom. Then he froze. 

The Potion Master was unconscious and in the middle of the room on the floor, with the right sleeve of his shirt ripped apart and its remains soaked in blood, sticking to his pale skin and the open wounds. 

Of course Scott had noticed the growing size of the plant's marks during their short meetings but he hadn't thought of the amount of damage she was now able to cause when she was out of control. The wizard stumbled toward his colleague, his wand already in his hand, and cleaned off the blood to take a proper look of the wound. Even before he felt for Avi's pulse Scott rushed back to the lab to fetch what felt like a bucket of Blood-Replenishing Potions, an Awakening Potion as well as a potion for dreamless sleep. Once back he took care of the Potion Master. 

"Avi..." Scott mumbled and wrapped his arm tightly before he brought it across his chest and secured it to keep it from slipping off. Then he used his wand to strip him off his clothes. Not only to protect the silk bedding but also to make sure he didn't have other wounds that needed medical attention. "By Merlin's underpants."

One thing he wasn't prepared for were the scars that covered Avriel's body. Some were fine, silver lines - possibly healed with a simple Episkey - while others seemed bigger and harder to heal. Scott guessed that they were older than the others, from a time where Avi either hadn't know how to use healing charms or hadn't been strong enough to treat his injuries with magic. The tall man pushed these thoughts away and focused on his friend as he began to stir. 

"Avi? Hey, Avi.." he said and cupped his cheek. "'s okay. It's just me, Scotty."

The warmth against his cheek helped the bearded wizard to relax again after his body had tensed. He grunted softly, both in pain and discomfort, before he focused on his breathing and the other man's voice. It was soothing and just what he needed right now.

"Avi, let's get you up and on the bed. More comfortable than the floor." 

He inhaled deeply and then whispered "Potions." 

"I know. I have some potions here. Blood replenishing and dreamless sleep. Something to wake you up, too, but we don't need it anymore. How are you feeling?"

"Heart is too fast..dizzy, not good. Blood loss.." the brunette said while he furrowed his brows. It was hard to focus on his transp- his body, but he wanted to be as accurate as possible. 

"Lots, yes." Scott was glad that Avi was responding and brought one of the vials to his lips while his other hand reached under his head and part of his neck to help him drink the potion without choking. Once done he tossed the empty vial to the side and reached under Avi's knees and back to pick him up. 

"Scott-" he protested but was not strong enough to complain or even snap at him. He hadn't noticed that he was wearing nothing but his black boxer briefs. 

"You'll catch a cold if you stay on the cold floor. And the bed is more comfortable." The man carefully lowered Avi and placed him on the mattress. It hadn't been a challenge to carry him since the Potion Master was thin enough to the point where both his ribs and his collarbones were visible. "There you go" Scott said and took the blanket, pulled it up until it covered Avi's lower body up to his stomach. Then he reached for one of the spare pillows and pointed his wand at it to heat it up to the point where it was the same temperature as a hot water bottle. The wizard tucked it under the blanket and right against Avi's body. "Here, a little extra warmth."

Avi was uncomfortable. He wasn't used to having people close to him, he wasn't used to not wearing anything except his underwear with others present. He wasn't used to getting help. Even though it had gotten better since he and Scott were meeting twice a week, it still was an adjustment and he had been thankful for the space and time the baritone was giving him. But now he was right there, Avi still felt his warm hand on his cheek,  he was there and it helped to ease the anxiety that had come up with the blood loss. 

"Penny for your thoughts?"


"Alright then." He uncorked another vial with Blood Replenishing Potion and held it to Avi's lips, brought his hand back under his neck and raised his head slightly. 

Avriel thanked him with a short smile and emptied the vial. "Did I lose that much?"

"Yes. I would give you another one but you're too thin, your body wouldn't be able to handle a third potion now. You lost even more weight, hm? She's getting greedy."

The Potion Master sighed softly. "I know. She's drinking more and...I can't keep up. I'm- I can't." He closed his eyes in defeat and allowed Scott to take proper care of his arm while he rested. 

Twenty minutes later silent tears were running down Avi's cheek. It hurt, so bad, while Scott tried to stop the by now only light bleeding. His skin was raw, the magic seemed to made everything worse, and when Scott was about to raise his wand again Avi broke. "No. No more spells. I can't." He had tried so hard to keep himself together while the pain had forced him to deal with the memories of when he had been punished at school that flooded him. 

Scott looked up and immediately put his wand down when he saw the pain on his face and deep in his eyes. He sat up and nodded quickly. "Okay. No more spells. I- I'll wrap it, alright? And we'll...we'll put it over your chest, to keep you from moving it?"

Avi nodded and sighed softly. He was tired, both physically and mentally, but flinched when he felt Scott's thumb on his temple, gently wiping away another tear. He looked over to him and suddenly drowned in Scott's eyes. He saw not only kindness but concern too, worry and even a hint of fear and suddenly he reached out to touch the man's arm. 

"You need to rest, Avriel" Scott mumbled softly and pulled back, focused on his arm. He bandaged it tightly, then secured it with a sling against his upper body and across his chest before he dragged the blanket up to his chin, even tucked some of his hair back. "I will inform Minerva that you're in no state to teach."


But the baritone shook his head and looked at him. "No, Avi. You need rest. Do you want me to stay with you tonight?"

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