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The journey to Norway had been just fine. The flight had been calm and Avi had enjoyed every minute of it as he had been asleep only ten minutes in to the point where Scott had carried him off the plane again once they had touched down in Bergen. Once outside the bearded man had been woken up by the harsh breeze. He buried his face in Scott's jacket and shivered.

"What the hell.."

"Welcome to Norway" Scott chuckled and reached into his backpack to pull out Avi's jacket. "Told you to put it on but you fell asleep again. I think it's time to get you home and to bed, hm?"

The Potion Master slipped into his winter jacket and zipped it up quickly. "Most definitely" he mumbled and felt himself getting grumpy again. "I'm tired."

"I know. Are you okay with apparation? It's not far, a couple of miles, but getting a rental car right now would just be such a big hassle."

"Whatever" Avi just said and felt himself getting sucked into what felt like a tight rubber tube before he felt himself hitting the ground just a few moments later. He grunted and hadn't Scott been there he would've face planted right into the deep snow he was in. 

Scott was right there, with his arms around Avi's waist and with a flick of his wand the snow parted for them all the way to a cabin like building tucked between large evergreens with the Northern lights flickering above it in the sky. 

"It's-" Avi paused and couldn't help but stare. 

"Not much, but it's home" the tall baritone finished the sentence and kept walking, until they reached the house. He dug for the keys and then unlocked the front door before they entered. "And it's been a while since I've cleaned here" Scott admitted and flicked his wand again to make the dust disappear. He slipped out of his shoes, placed them near the front door on a mat and then made his way over to the cozy living room area to light the fireplace. Once the room was flooded with light Avi was able to see most of the interior. 

It wasn't big, almost the size of Scott's chambers at Hogwarts, but instead of an old leather couch Avi was met by one made out of gray fabric which had been covered by furs and blankets and stood against a wall to his right. Underneath on the wooden floor laid a large carpet, next to the couch were small tables with either candles or a set of coasters to put down cups or even plates after a meal. The fireplace stood on the wall opposite with a large TV right above it and after an empty space a dining table followed. It wasn't made for more than four people and Scott only had two chairs - Avi suspected that he was neither spending a lot of time here nor had lots of friends in this area - which was then confirmed by the small kitchen in the corner. To his left Avi found two wooden doors to what had to be Scott's bedroom and the bathroom. 

"Do you like it?" Scott asked once Avi looked at him again. "I mean, we still have to get a Christmas tree and all that but...yeah, that's where I live when I'm not in Scotland."

"I love it" Avriel mumbled and slipped out of his shoes. He slowly made his way over to the fireplace and warmed his hands while he felt the gentle heat creeping through the fabric of his clothes. Once he was comfortable Avi took off his jacket and looked over to the Charms teacher who was standing in the kitchen and opened a can of soup. 

"Fridge's empty" he explained and smiled lightly when he noticed Avi's eyes on him. "I'll head to the store in a bit but for now we should eat. And you need to sleep soon, it's getting late." 

However, Avi's attention had shifted again and the man found himself in front of the large bookshelf right next to the door. His eyes darted back and forth as he read the book titles and then reached out to take one. The Lord of the Rings. "Scott? This?"

The baritone turned around and pushed his glasses back up. "Huh?" he asked and then nodded. "Yeah, that's the one I meant. Go ahead, you can read it." He took a wooden spoon and stirred the still cold soup on the stove while the Potion Master made his way over to the couch. 

After dinner and a quick trip to the store for Scott they were back on the couch in their usual setup, with Avi on Scott's chest and a book in his hands while Scott held his phone and scrolled through Reddit. He enjoyed the perks of having actual electricity and WiFi until it was time to return to what felt like the Middle Ages again. Just two months ago he would've never thought that he would find himself on the couch in his house, deep in the woods in Norway, with the grumpy Potion Master cuddled up to him under a shared blanket. The man smiled and lowered his phone. 

"Hey, Avi?" he asked and sat up slightly, which forced the bearded man to adjust as well. 

He lowered the book and turned around. "Huh?"

"Are you comfortable?"

"Yeah" the man just said and looked back at the page he was on. "Now shut up and let me read." Avi leaned against the baritone's chest again and shifted his focus to the book again. 

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