snowflakes pt.1 ❄️

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[ y/n: your name
y/h: your house
e/c: your eyes color
h/c: your hair color ]

you and ron both love christmas, especially playing in the snow, watching the snowflakes falling down from the sky and starting a snow fight whenever you can while running outside hogwarts.
you woke up in (y/h)'s dorm and your (e/c) eyes started to sparkle as you saw it was snowing again. you immediately thought about ron and you got dressed quickly to start running down the stairs to meet him in the great hall like you two do every morning.
as soon as you stepped in the great hall your face lit up, seeing him talking to harry and hermione, his blue eyes sparkling as well and his smile wider than usual. he had messy hair like always but you found him even cuter that day. you silently walked to him and wrapped your arms around his shoulders, kissing his cheek and speaking quietly 'good morning babe'.
his heart made a jump, at first because he got a little scared, but as soon as he heard your voice and he felt your lips on his skin he blushed softly like it was your first kiss and he smiled more, butterflies growing on his stomach.
he looked over at your side and smiled even more than before 'good morning honey, how are you?'.
'good, you? it's snowing today!'
he smiled and giggled in a really cute way, butterflies growing in your stomach now. 'good too, i saw! i immediately thought about you. can you follow me?'
harry and hermione looked at each other and smiled, knowing what he was talking about.
you smiled brightly and stroked his left shoulder 'sure babe'.
you watched him as he got up and waved at harry and hermione before taking your hand and walking out of the great hall.

 𝐑𝐎𝐍 𝐖𝐄𝐀𝐒𝐋𝐄𝐘 | 𝐎𝐍𝐄 𝐒𝐇𝐎𝐓𝐒 ☕️🍂Where stories live. Discover now