39. First Mission

Start from the beginning

"I heard that!"
Neil called from distance.
Ofcourse he did.

Marks just laughed and walked ahead.
"I hope things turn out well for him."
I honestly prayed.
"That's what we were praying when you joined."
Kelly said chuckling.

"Alright fill your glasses!"
Marks called us and we cheered for his happy beginning.

After having a few drinks we decided to call it a night.

"I have an announcement to make."
Neil said seriously and everyone straightened up.

"We're going for our first ever mission as a team with James and Kelly along. Commander will call us tomorrow for the briefing. I suggest that all of you ring up your families and make some excuses for not being available for next one week."
He said sternly.

It hit me that this call could be the last one for any or all of us.
Fuck the business was dangerous.


"He's sweating."
Kelly reported.

"Such a kid."
I could imagine Neil rolling his eyes.

"Shut up. He's a teenager. What did you think? He'll put up an Oscar winning performance?"
Marks whispered into his earpiece since he was the closest to the boy carrying a case of drugs, rather - being a delivery boy.

"James you're ready?"
"Hell yeah."
I was ready to pull him by his collar and drag him into the trunk as soon as lights go off.

Everything was according to plan.
But the kid was so fucking nervous I was scared he'd pass out before even reaching the spot I was waiting for him at.

He took out a cigarette from his pocket and sealed it with his dry cracked lips.
And fuck my luck he forgot his lighter.
He stopped in his tracks and started checking his pockets. He turned his head back contemplating whether to go back or keep moving.

Damnit the lights would go off in forty seconds. What the fuck was he doing!
If he takes the turn back, we'll be fucked!

"Need this?"
I said in a comfortable tone buying all his attention.

"James back off! What the heck? They can see you!"
Neil shouted through my earpiece.

The boy looked at the lighter in my hand relieved. His pupils were dilated - thanks for teaching me that, Marks. Atleast I know that he was not in his full senses. He probably tried some of the stuff he was delivering.

"Yeah. Just what I needed. Forgot mine. Thanks."
He walked to me carefully acting that he wasn't carrying drugs worth thousands in his hand.

I lit his cigarette as he took a deep breath.
He had a tattoo on the inner side of his wrist, multiple red dots over his forearm - typical addict - I scoffed mentally.

I did a fake introduction.

He said his name.
I nodded.
I know, fucker!

"Just the luck. I forgot my pack back home."
I sulked tapping on my pockets.

"Don't worry. I got you."
He said in his teenage accent and offered one cigarette to me.

He looked at me carefully. I knew he was trying to trust me as a friendly stranger but somehow was not sure.

I took it from him and lit it.
Taking two puffs I breathed out loudly.

"Mission on hold. No lights off! I think he can handle this."
Neil ordered Kelly three seconds before the set time.

"Damn I would have gone crazy. Thanks bud. I miss my friends. They'd never leave my hand empty. Your friends are lucky."
I fake laughed looking at the thing in my hand like it was some magical potion.

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