40. Accepted

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Major Jerk said and I groaned.

Shifting all my weight on my left hand's knuckles, I moved my right hand back. I really hoped that Norman would let me stop now but he looked in no mood to finish anytime soon.

Well there was no reason for him to go easy on me. He warned me to stay away from his babygirl and what did I do?
Went along with her to pick him up and have dinner that she cooked specially for him.

Damn I must have had a death wish.
Why did I listen to her again?

"Permission to puke, sir."
I said as the delicious food did summersaults in my stomach with each knuckle jump.

"Up. Go."
Oh thank god.

I got up and ran to the washroom to empty my guts. Once I was sure that my balls will come out if I try more, I stopped and came back.

He said heartlessly and I was back to knuckle jumps.

Doing thirty more, he called 'left' and I switched sides again.
Ten changes and he had not yet calmed down.

"Sir he has firing camp tomorrow. He needs fingers that are not fractured."
Neil came for my rescue.

"You should have told this to him before he dared to lay his eyes on my sister. Don't bullshit me now."
Norman said without a change in his tone.

"Sir I-"
I started speaking but was stopped by a hard hit on my back. His cane was waiting for me to fuck up and I gladly invited it.

"I think I told you to shut up."
He said hitting me again harder.

Had I not spent enough days under him during my trial, I would have got offended by this act of his. But I knew that he was really angry and was still trying to hold himself back. Both of us were aware that he was capable of much more than just hitting my back with a cane.

I sealed my lips and continued banging on my Knuckles. It pained like a sting but what choice did I have?

"I told you to stay away from her. Instead you stuck with her like a bubblegum to her shoe. What were you expecting? I'll shake hands with you? Offer you to stay overnight?"
His tone was low but with clenched jaw, it was fucking scary.

"Sir I-"
I started speaking only to get three back to back hits, each accompanied by 'Shut up'.

I clasped my mouth again tighly.

"Sir give him one chance to-"
"He got one chance to appear for test and he went straight for my sister. He doesn't deserve any chance."
Norman was still angry and Neil was playing with fire.

"I love her."
I said in one breath.

"I don't give a Fuck about that!" He shouted loudly.
"What matters is that she means the world to me but she loves the asshole you. That's the only reason you're not hanging upside down in IR with blood dripping from remnants of your chopped off fingers."
He said coldly, getting into my face.

Told you he was capable of much more than just hitting me with a cane. Thanks for saving me Merlen.

I was keeping my mouth shut to keep my end of the promise I made with her. But then he spoke something that broke my patience.

"She's too naive to differentiate the loyal men from skirt-chasers."
He said with clenched jaw.

That's it.
He had crossed his limits and I won't hear a single more word from him.
I got up straight without his permission.

"I may not love her as much as you do. But I'm very serious for her. Do not be mistaken for a single moment that I'm playing with her feelings or trying to get into her skirt. I had plenty of chances if I wanted to, but she's as pure as she always has been. We love each other faithfully. I'll appreciate if you stop insulting both of us this moment onwards."
I said looking into his eyes with utter seriousness.

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