Chapter 16

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It's pitch black when Lena opens her eyes. She's all too familiar with this place, though something feels very off. The nothingness is claustrophobic and the quietness rings in her ears.

But there's something in the distance, something among the stars.

"Hello?" Lena finally finds her voice again. Experimentally, she takes a step forward and finds that her limbs are responding. She quickly moves forward to the shape in the distance.

"Mom? Is that you?" Lena exclaims into the darkness. Finally, she comes close enough to see what's waiting for her with the stars.

It's her. Her mother. Motionlessly staring into nothingness.

"Mom!" Lena comes to a halt right in front of her. Her mother's eyes focus on her face and stare at her blankly. Lena breathes out in relief.

"It's going to be okay. We just have to wake up." Lena reassures her. What did Kara do in this situation? She just kept talking, didn't she?

"Mom, it's not safe here. This place is messing with your head. We have to get out, okay?" Lena tries again. "Just say the words, you know the ones. Only you can, mom." She adds, trying to keep her voice steady.

Alodie just looks at her as if she's trying to process what's being said to her.

"I can't lose you again, m-mom. Not after everything. I wouldn't be able to cope." Lena takes a sharp breath before continuing. "I need you, mom. Please, wake up."

Alodie blinks and her whole expression changes significantly.

"Lena." She whispers before closing her eyes. "End simulation." And just like that, Alodie disappears right in front of her eyes.

Lena tries to calm her breathing. She's about to close her eyes and say the words herself when she hears something to her right.

It's the woman, Agatha, looking absolutely terrified.

Lena doesn't hesitate when she steps forward to approach the shaking woman.

"Hello?" Lena tries softly.

The woman gasps and turns her head towards the sound of her voice.

"Who's there?" Agatha cries out.

"My name is Lena." She replies carefully.

"Lena who? Do I know you?"

"Lena Byrne." Lena's heart skips a beat. Saying it feels right.

"Where- where am I? What's going on?" Agatha shudders.

"This is a simulation. It's going to be okay, I'm going to get you out of here, alright?" Lena tries to reassure her.


"Just repeat the two words I'm about to say. If it works I'm going to-." Lena is cut off when the space around them begins to shake and flicker.

"What- what's going on?" Agatha cries.

"The simulation, it's- I think it's deleting itself." Lena realizes with fear.

"Don't worry. We're going to get out of here. Just repeat the two words I'm going to say, alright?" Lena is filled with adrenaline as she watches the world go black pixel by pixel.

Agatha nods quickly and waits for Lena's words in anticipation.

"End simulation."

Lena inhales sharply as her eyes shoot open. It takes her a moment to get used to the brightness.

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