Chapter 10

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After yet another lead that ends in a long abandoned warehouse at the edge of town, Kara is very close to losing hope. How hard can it be to catch one single human? She appears to be everywhere but nowhere at the same time. It is, to put it lightly, incredibly frustrating.

Supergirl lands on the balcony of Lena's penthouse. The thud of her boots is accompanied by a tired sigh that escapes her lips. It's been a long day of playing cat and mouse without ever even getting near the damned mouse.

Lena's sitting on a couch in her living room, waiting for Kara to let herself in.

"No luck?" Lena asks when she notices her lack of energy.

"Nothing. I don't know how she does it. Are you sure she's not secretly an alien?" Kara sighs as she settles down next to her.

Lena chuckles lightly.

"That would surely be something for the headlines." Lena takes a sip of her drink before putting it down on the table in front of her. "I can assure you she's not. She's just- she's always been very...innovative."

"It's like she's always one step ahead of me." Kara sounds exasperated.

Lena leans a bit closer and puts her hand on Kara's.

"I know you're doing everything you can. It's not your fault she hasn't been caught yet." Lena tells her, trying to ease her tension a little bit. "One of these days she's going to try to make a move and we'll be prepared.”

Kara nods and intertwines their fingers.

"Lena, I don't think you should go to Ireland when she's still out there. Or at least wait until we've got a solid lead." Kara looks up to meet her eyes again. She sighs sadly. "And I’m afraid I can’t go with you."

"I know. And that's okay." It's not like she really expected Kara to drop all her Supergirl duties to go on a trip with her. "I'll just go with my mother, that's fine."

Kara frowns at that.

"Isn't Kelly coming with you?"

"Oh no, she has to stay here to supervise the new prototypes and ensure everything goes smoothly this time."

"So it's just going to be the two of you?"

"Yes, Kara. Why?" Lena arches an eyebrow at Kara's odd behaviour.

"Oh, nothing. It's just, you know, really far away. In a different country, a different continent even. You'll be on a plane for like, what, eleven hours, what if the weather-."

"Kara. We’ll be fine. I'll take my private jet, which I've designed myself. Its technology is going to get us through any kind of weather, trust me. I'll never let anything happen to my mother."

"I know that, but please, think about yourself too? If I can't be there to keep you safe, at least consider asking someone else to come with you? Preferably, someone who knows how to use a smartphone." Kara pleads with a hint of a playful smile.

"I'll have you know I've gotten a lot better at texting. All thanks to Adam. It's truly fascinating how there are smiley faces for every single emotion you can think of." Lena tells her proudly, she's also recently learned a couple of 'new' abbreviations. And yes, she is indeed very proud of herself.

"Emojis, oh I know, I'll never forget the day you sent me the one with tears of joy for the first time. I almost faceplanted into a skyscraper." Kara chuckles at the memory.

"That's on yourself for texting while flying." Lena teases her.

They laugh and just like that the tension is lifted off Kara's shoulders.

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