❄️Chongyun x🌪Archer [F] Reader - Overheated

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"(Y/N) wake up, it's unwise to waste the precious morning hours." Chongyun slightly shook me awake.

"Huh it's too early to be waking up Chongyun."

"You have no discipline." Hear him walk away, and start his training.

I take no offence to what he says. I roll over and watch him train. It's amazing watching him train. Even more memorising watching him defeat hilichurls, what he calls them evil spirits or demons. I remember the first time I met him.

- Flashbacks -

I was clearing out a hilichurl camp, that was on the edge of Liyue. He so happened to walk past that day, saw me fighting.

I finished he walked up to me, "your skills are impressive. When you finish with a Hilichurls— I mean, an evil spirits, it is surely banished from this world for good. How about we team up?"

I was taken back, a random guy comes up and compliments me? "Uhh thank you? I don't do team's sorry. But it was nice of you to ask?" I wasn't too sure what to do. Said goodbye and headed back to Mondstadt.

Over the next few months, my commissions would lead me near Liyue. I would run into Chongyun, each time he would ask me to team up. I would knock him back, till one day.

"Crap! I'm surrounded!" Hilichurls were everywhere. I thought I was going to die.

Till a blast of ice froze them in place. "Hurry now!"

I ran past them, join him by his side. In the end, we took care of the hilichurls. I offend him half of my commission. He declined, said he did it so I wouldn't die at the hands of the evil spirits.

He starts to walk off, "wait Chongyun!"

He stops and turns around, "yes?"

"Did your offer to team up... Does it still stand?"

It was then, Chongyun captured my heart. With that precious smile, "how about we team up?"

I smile back, "team-up sounds great." I go to walk over, start to fall. Chongyun catches me.

"You're hurt, let me take you to a doctor."

"I'll be okay, I just need rest."

"I'm taking you to a doctor. Who knows what curse those evil spirits put on you."

I couldn't help but giggle, "you're the exorcist. You would know better." As he put me on his back, his cheeks turn red.

On the way, he tells he has Congenital Positivity. Which is he has too much positive energy. I thought would be a good thing, apparently not. He said it repels evil, which is a good thing. But he's an exorcist and can't get within ten miles of a hilichurl.

That he has to avoid eating hot or spicy foods. Everything has to be cold, so he eats a lot of ice blocks. And avoid rousing music. He took me to listen to stories by Tea Master Liu. He like the supernatural stories he tells. Me... Well, they're okay, I go cause Chongyun likes it. He has to take a parasol with him everywhere he goes. And that sometimes his illness lands him in embarrassing situations.

- End of Flashbacks -

I come back from memory lane. He's still training, hug my pillow and watch.


About two hours later he finishes, I hop up and get him a cold drink.

"Thank you (Y/N)," takes it and drinks it greedily.

I notice he was training a lot harder this time. Probably cause I was watching him. "No problem, you were training a lot harder this morning."

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