⌜ intro ⌟

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location ❤️ sungtaro

at least i didn't get pregnant at an early age!

well, at least i believe in soulmates!

jisung stepped out of the kitchen while carrying their little dude that's playing with his toy car. the moment he finished washing the dishes, he was greeted with, yet, another sight of his boyfriend and this live-in friend of theirs having another fight. sighing, he placed his two-year-old little dude down on the ground as he goes and clean the mess they have all made in the living room.

while doing so, the child went running to the  commotion between his papa and their friend. usually, he'd approach his other father first, but he has grown a liking to this male whose height is like a christmas tree— thus, explaining as to why he passed by his papa and made grabby hands to the friend.

bigfoot hyung!

sungchan stared down at the boy and had to take in a deep breath. he wasn't a big fan of kids, neither does he plan to tolerate one. however, living in with his friend's (who's already a father) condominium made him put up with a certain kid— and their child will be the only consideration he'll take.

without any complaints, sungchan carried the boy up and let the child cling to him as he faced the fuming chinese. ❝what's so good about soulmates anyways?

a scoff was heard from chenle, looking offended by his question. but before he can even say a word to lash out on his friend, a peck on his right cheeks was what made him shut his mouth up. then comes after a back hug, feeling a pair of arms wrapping around his waist. puffing his cheeks, the chinese was left flustered while puckering his lips and folding his arms across his chest.

the sight was disgusting to see for sungchan, but he was used to feeling ants crawling around the condominium because of them.

what are you two fighting again?❞ jisung asked, already tired seeing this sight every single day.

he was talking about asking donghyuck hyung out!

chenle is out there rubbing to my face that having a soulmate is to die for!

the two shouted in chorus, causing for both jisung and the little dude to flinch from their places.

then, jisung was able to have it processed inside his head. ❝wait, donghyuck hyung?

huffing, the chinese nodded his head in frustration. ❝exactly! he's going after someone who's not his soulmate. and what makes it worse, donghyuck already has a soulmate of his own.

there's nothing wrong with getting someone else's soulmate—❞ sungchan was cut off when he felt his free hand being yanked by the youngest of them, the sleeves from his sweater being lifted up harshly just to see a dreaded color of a location where his soulmate is currently at. ❝hey!

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