I approached him carefully. "Come on." I told him. That caused him to turn around with arched brows. I gestured my head towards the door and he nodded with a pursed lips. The calm serenade of the rain greeted us when I opened the barricade. I extended my arm and the umbrella bloomed as the rain slammed on it, bouncing off the floor.

"Let me hold it." Erwin chuckled playfully and my cheeks flared hot. His fingers brushed against my smaller one's, making it shivered with the soft contact. Afterwards, we walked off in a comfortable silence. The white velvet sky sent out thousands of water drops that washed the streets, creating puddles everywhere we stepped.

It wasn't a heavy rain, just drizzly and persistent. My mind wandered back to when I told Erwin about my mother, the way he comforted like no else ever had; his warm touch, his sweet words. Screw this. He probably had done this a bunch of times with other people too. It's not like I was the only he cared about.

I kicked off some pebbles with my shabby white sneakers as Erwin continued to hold the umbrella above me. It felt like a k-drama or some shit except, it wasn't romantic.

After all we're just a couple of friends.

Few minutes later, we arrived at his house. The walk over to the door filled me with sadness and dread. I wanted to say something to him; absolutely no idea what. I wondered if he was thinking the same. I led him to his doorstep and he reached out for the handle. Then, he stopped.

Turning around to face me, so that I was right in front of him, he's closer than a friend would be. But he didn't look freaked out by it, and nor did he looked away. He stared right into my soul. Neither of us said anything. I had to tilt my head to look at him.

"Are you free this weekend?" He questioned after a moment. I suddenly had this undefinable fearlessness to not gaze away which I was surprised by that.

"Isn't obvious? I'm always free." I answered with a shrug. He briefly glanced at the ground before drawing his attention to me again.

He flashed a smile. My favourite one. The genuine smile. "I want to take you somewhere."

Brows raising, I asked. "Where? I hate surprises."

He shook his head and leaned in. "I'm not telling you. You'll have to wait."

I rolled my eyes and he chuckled in amusement. After that, we were at a loss of words. The steady tapping from the rain became our background music. Abruptly, his fingers slid through the front of my hair, behind my ears. He gently placed his hand on the side of my neck. My heart raced uncontrollably and my breath hitching. The same panic I had at the park arisen. Like, deja vu. He got closer and our mouths got nearer and just before they touched, we stopped.

"Levi, please take care of yourself. I don't like seeing you hurt." He said before taking a step back. My whole body trembled, holding my dear life at the umbrella. I attempted to regain myself from deliquescing by closing my eyes momentarily.

"Understood." I tried to hide my disappointment. "Thank you for your concern and ... everything."

He lips curved and he got further away from me, into his house. He waved his hands off. "Don't mention it. I'll see you tomorrow?"

I nodded over a huff. And just like that, he closed the door that became a wall between us. My shoulders slouched, almost losing my balance but I stood there still. Uncharacteristically, I was torn between cringing and feeling utterly wrenched apart at never getting to experience this feelings again.

I was drowned not only in the rain, but with Erwin too.


The next day at school, Smartypants was still in his class discussing about some stuff with his classmates. I decided not to interfere the 'smarties' meeting so, I sat in my class as an alternative. Furlan was long gone with Isabel. He told me he was tired seeing us fight but I wasn't backing down. It wasn't my fault and I knew it. It was Isabel's for being judgemental. She owed me an apology. And also for that guy, Zeke.

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