xii. Wordless Homicidal Plans

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they pulled into a really rural desert looking place. rattlesnake heads lined the fence.

"wait in the car," sarah ordered, and then stepped out.

(y/n) looked at john, wondering where the hell they are. john grinned and leaned against her.

"i feel like i haven't had much of a chance to talk to you lately." she confessed, adjusting to be able to see john a little better.

"i know. i'm sorry you got caught up in all this. if i could change it, i would." he sat up fully to look at her.

she shook her head, ignoring sarah's strange calls in what sounded like spanish. "no, no, it's alright. that's just my way of saying i want to kiss you."

john laughed and leaning closer to her. this time they savored the feeling of each other. the other's mere presence was enough to get drunk on. (y/n) cupped his cheek with one hand, the other on the bottom of the seat supporting her.

he smiled into the kiss, his hands in her hair, one going down to her cheek, tracing gentle patterns with his thumb. (y/n) pulled away and got lost in his features for a moment.

"i love you," she whispered softly, pressing her forehead against john's.

"i love you, too," he responded, his fingers still running through her (h/l) (h/c) hair.

suddenly, the terminator shot out of the car, gun raised a random armed man a few feet away. john and (y/n) scrambled out as well.

they spoke in spanish, (y/n) absorbing nothing of the conversation. the man spoke to john in spanish, and his only response was, "hey."

the man had apparently asked about the terminator because john paused and said, "that's uncle bob. enrique, uncle bob, uncle bob, enrique. oh, and that's (y/n), my girlfriend." he beamed at the last part, moving his hands towards the other two.

everyone hugged each other, (y/n) and the terminator standing awkwardly. a woman who'd hugged john kindly shook her hand. she still had no clue what they were saying.

"encantada de conocerte, (y/n)," the woman said. (y/n) looked at her blankly for a minute, and then the woman laughed. "nice to meet you," she translated.

"uncle bob?" the terminator looked at john strangely. he just shrugged.

a small kid wondered over and this confused the terminator. he furrowed his brows and lifted the child by the back of his tiny overalls. john and (y/n) laughed at him, (y/n) taking the kid from the terminator and sitting him down.

sarah now conversed with them in english but (y/n) still wasn't listening. she only looked up from the ground when john nudged her.

"you three man the weapons," she instructed, so john grabbed (y/n)'s hand and hit the terminator lightly.

"come on, let's go," he told the two of them, and they walked off.

the terminator grabbed a chain that was lying in the sand and pulled it. it dragged a board to the side, revealing a small bunker type thing that (y/n) assumed was full of weapons.

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