xi. Hammer Wielder

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they drove in to a secluded place and opened a large storage locker. sarah drove the car inside while the other three stood outside waiting for it to go in.

(y/n) stepped in after the car, and the terminator grabbed john by the jacket and tugged him inside. "hey! watch it, lugnuts!" john yelled as the door shut.

sarah took a deep breath as the terminator stitched the cut on her shoulder blade.

john jogged next to the terminator with a bottle of rubbing alcohol and paper towels. "listen, do you know what you're doing?"

"i have detailed files on human anatomy."

"i bet," sarah said, taking a breath, "makes you a more efficient killer, right?"


(y/n) sat in the back, trying to get some sleep. she sprawled out on a random chair and listened to the other three talk.

john held up the terminator's jacket and let the light from the window shine through the holes. he looked at the terminator with furrowed brows. "does it hurt when you get shot?"

sarah now stood behind the terminator, getting the bullets out of his back and placing them on a table. "i sense injuries. the data could be called pain." he explained.

"john, help me with the light," sarah said, still pulling bullets out of the robot's back. "will these heal up?"


"good. if you can't pass for human, you're not much good to us." she explained.

"how long do you live.. i mean, last?" john asked, moving away from the light, getting a paper towel for his mom.

"120 years with my existing power cell."

"can you learn stuff that you weren't programmed with? so you can be," he paused, moving the light a little, "y'know, more human. not such a dork all the time." he grinned to himself a bit.

it's silent for a moment, john and the terminator making eye contact, and then with a drop of another bullet on the metal table, the terminator faced forward again.

"my CPU is a neural net processor, a learning computer. but skynet resets the switch to read only when we are sent out alone."

"doesn't want you to do much thinkin', huh?" sarah commented, still working with the bullets.


"can we reset the switch?" john asked. both of them looked at him strangely, and then when sarah finished the bullets, she brought out an scalpel.

"wake your girlfriend up, we're gonna need as many people as we can get," sarah told john. he opened his mouth to protest, but settled with a nod, and went to wake up (y/n).

(y/n) smiled tiredly once he lightly tapped her face a few times. "john? hey," she slurred and let out a large yawn. she sat up and studied him for a moment. "what are we doing?"

they stood surrounding the terminator. john manned the light, sarah did the main work, like cutting the skin on his head, and (y/n) held a tissue and would clean up the blood.

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